
Request 610395 accepted

Please add me as maintainer

- Create initial package 1.1.1 for openSUSE
- Add pacvim-1.1.1-until-b0934ca662d6add3f9a30d3204683b354857c4e7.patch:
Adding cleaner Makefile, and better functionality
- Add pacvim-1.1.1-ncurses.patch:
Include right ncurses headers

Request History
Michael Vetter's avatar

jubalh created request

Please add me as maintainer

- Create initial package 1.1.1 for openSUSE
- Add pacvim-1.1.1-until-b0934ca662d6add3f9a30d3204683b354857c4e7.patch:
Adding cleaner Makefile, and better functionality
- Add pacvim-1.1.1-ncurses.patch:
Include right ncurses headers

Dirk Stoecker's avatar

dstoecker accepted request

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