
Request 617425 accepted

- Update to v10. (fate#325049)
* No changelog available
- Rebase opa-ff-suse-build-fixes.patch to the latest sources
- Update opa-ff-add-shebang-for-exp-files.patchto not use /usr/bin/env

Request History
Nicolas Morey-Chaisemartin's avatar

NMoreyChaisemartin created request

- Update to v10. (fate#325049)
* No changelog available
- Rebase opa-ff-suse-build-fixes.patch to the latest sources
- Update opa-ff-add-shebang-for-exp-files.patchto not use /usr/bin/env

Nicolas Morey-Chaisemartin's avatar

NMoreyChaisemartin accepted request

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