
Request 627927 accepted

- Update to 1.9.4
* python 3.7 support.
* beta pypy support.
* pygame.draw fixes
* pygame.math is not experimental anymore. Speedups and bugfixes.
* Debian, Mac homebrew, mac virtualenv, manylinux and other platform fixes.
* documentation fixes, jedi support for type ahead in editors like VSCode and VIM.
* Surface.blits for blitting many surfaces at once more quickly.

Request History
Todd R's avatar

TheBlackCat created request

- Update to 1.9.4
* python 3.7 support.
* beta pypy support.
* pygame.draw fixes
* pygame.math is not experimental anymore. Speedups and bugfixes.
* Debian, Mac homebrew, mac virtualenv, manylinux and other platform fixes.
* documentation fixes, jedi support for type ahead in editors like VSCode and VIM.
* Surface.blits for blitting many surfaces at once more quickly.

Tomáš Chvátal's avatar

scarabeus_iv accepted request

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