
Request 636386 superseded

- update to upstream version 2.5.0
Changelog available at https://owncloud.org/changelog/desktop-client/

* Removed patch rpath.diff as not longer required.
* Added some doc cleanup as the version installs too much.
- Fixed patch fix-systray-menu-pos.patch to avoid segfault as
described in boo#1106103. Should be fixed with this.

Request History
Klaas Freitag's avatar

kfreitag created request

- update to upstream version 2.5.0
Changelog available at https://owncloud.org/changelog/desktop-client/

* Removed patch rpath.diff as not longer required.
* Added some doc cleanup as the version installs too much.
- Fixed patch fix-systray-menu-pos.patch to avoid segfault as
described in boo#1106103. Should be fixed with this.

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto declined review

Output of check script:
Attention, rpath.diff is not mentioned in spec files as source or patch.

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto declined request

Output of check script:
Attention, rpath.diff is not mentioned in spec files as source or patch.

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