
Request 636487 accepted

- Update to version 3.0.0
* Improved default backend selection
* Cyclic colormaps
* Ability to scale axis by a fixed order of magnitude
* Add AnchoredDirectionArrows feature to mpl_toolkits
* Add minorticks_on()/off() methods for colorbar
* Colorbar ticks can now be automatic
* Don't automatically rename duplicate file names
* Legend now has a *title_fontsize* kwarg (and rcParam)
* Support for axes.prop_cycle property *markevery* in rcParams
* Multipage PDF support for pgf backend
* Pie charts are now circular by default
* Add ax.get_gridspec to .SubplotBase
* Axes titles will no longer overlap xaxis
* New convenience methods for GridSpec
* Figure has an ~.figure.Figure.add_artist method
* math directive renamed to mathmpl
- Python 2 support was dropped upstream, so disable it in the spec
file and drop python2-specific parts.
- Enable wx backend for python 3, since python 3 is now supported
by wxPython upstream.

Request History
Todd R's avatar

TheBlackCat created request

- Update to version 3.0.0
* Improved default backend selection
* Cyclic colormaps
* Ability to scale axis by a fixed order of magnitude
* Add AnchoredDirectionArrows feature to mpl_toolkits
* Add minorticks_on()/off() methods for colorbar
* Colorbar ticks can now be automatic
* Don't automatically rename duplicate file names
* Legend now has a *title_fontsize* kwarg (and rcParam)
* Support for axes.prop_cycle property *markevery* in rcParams
* Multipage PDF support for pgf backend
* Pie charts are now circular by default
* Add ax.get_gridspec to .SubplotBase
* Axes titles will no longer overlap xaxis
* New convenience methods for GridSpec
* Figure has an ~.figure.Figure.add_artist method
* math directive renamed to mathmpl
- Python 2 support was dropped upstream, so disable it in the spec
file and drop python2-specific parts.
- Enable wx backend for python 3, since python 3 is now supported
by wxPython upstream.

Todd R's avatar

TheBlackCat accepted request

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