
Request 645951 accepted

- update to 1.5.2
* Fixed issues
- You can find issues and feature requests related to this
release on our roadmap
* Configuration rendering
- FIX: Fix compatibility with Icinga v2.6, got broken with
v1.5.0 (#1614)
- FIX: No more invalid JSON in some special circumstances
* User Interface
- FIX: Hostgroup assignment cache has been fixed (#1574, #1618)
* DB Schema
- FIX: missing user/timeperiod constraint. We usually do not
touch the schema in minor versions, this has been
cherry-picked by accident. However, don't worry - the
migration has been tested intensively.
- update to 1.5.1
* Fixed issues
- You can find issues and feature requests related to this
release on our [roadmap]
* Icinga Configuration
- FIX: Switched Variable-Override related constant names broke
the feature (#1601)
* User Interface
- FIX: Custom Fields attached to a Service Template have not
been shown for Apply Rules whose name matched the Template
Name (#1602)
* Import and Sync
- FIX: There was an issue with specific binary checksums on
MySQL (#1556)
- update to 1.5.0
* Fixed issues
- You can find issues and feature requests related to this
release on our [roadmap]
* Security Fixes
- FIX: users with `director/audit` permission had the
possibility to inject SQL. Thanks to Boyd Ansems for
reporting this.
* Permissions and Restrictions
- FEATURE: Showing the executed SQL query now requires the
`showsql` permission
- FEATURE: Grant access to Service Set in a controlled way
- FIX: do not allow a user to create hosts he wouldn't be
allowed to see #1451
- FIX: Hostgroup-based restrictions worked fine when applied,
bug was buggy in combination with directly assigned or
inherited groups (#1464)
* Icinga Configuration
- FEATURE: Add 'is false (or not set)' condition for apply
rules (#1436)
- FEATURE: support flapping settings for Icinga >= 2.8.0
- FEATURE: include all itl packages in Linux Agent sample
config (#1450)
- FEATURE: it's now possible to blacklist inherited or applied
Services on single hosts (#907)
- FEATURE: timestamped startup log rendering for upcoming
Icinga v2.9.0 (#1478)
- FEATURE: allow to switch between multiple Director databases
- FEATURE: it's now possible to specify Zones for UserGroups
- FEATURE: dependencies are no longer considered experimental
* User Interface
- FEATURE: Admins have now access to JSON download links in
many places
- FEATURE: Users equipped with related permissions can toggle
"Show SQL" in the GUI
- FEATURE: A Service Set can now be assigned to multiple hosts
at once #1281
- FEATURE: Commands can now be filtered by usage (#1480)
- FEATURE: Show usage of Commands over templates and objects
- FEATURE: Allow horizontal size increase of Import Source
DB Query field (#299)
- FEATURE: Small UI improvements like #1308
- FEATURE: Data Lists can be chosen by name in Sync rules
- FEATURE: Inspect feature got refactored, also for Services
(#264, #689, #1396, #1397)
- FEATURE: The "Modify" hook is now available for Services
(#689), regardless of whether they have been directly
assigned, inherited or applied
- FEATURE: Config preview links imports, hosts and commands to
related objects (#1521)
- FEATURE: German translation has been refreshed (#1599)
- FEATURE: Apply Rule editor shows suggestions for Data-List
vars (#1588)
- FIX: Don't suggest Command templates where Commands are
required (#1414)
- FIX: Do not allow to delete Commands being used by other
objects (#1443)
- FIX: Show 'Inspect' tab only for Endpoints with an ApiUser
- FIX: It's now possible to specify TimePeriods for single
Users #944
- FIX: Redirect after not modifying a Command Argument failed
on some RHEL 7 setups (#1512)
- FIX: click on Service Set titles no longer removes them from
their host (#1560)
- FIX: Restoring objects based on compound keys has been fixed
- FIX: Linux Agent kickstart script improved and tweaked for
Icinga 2.9 (#1596)
- FEATURE: Director Health Check Plugin (#1278)
- FEATURE: Show and trigger Import Sources (#1474)
- FEATURE: Show and trigger Sync Rules ( #1476)
* Import and Sync
- FIX: Sync is very powerful and allows for actions not
available in the GUI. It however allowed to store invalid
single Service Objects with no Host. This is now illegal,
as it never makes any sense
- FIX: Performance boost for "purge" on older MySQL/MariaDB
systems (#1475)
- FEATURE: new Property Modifier for IPs formatted as number
in Excel files (#1296)
- FEATURE: new Property Modifier to url-encode values
- FEATURE: new Property Modifier: uppercase the first character
of each word
- FEATURE: Kickstart Helper now also imports Event Commands
- FEATURE: Preserve _override_servicevars on sync,
even when replacing vars (#1307)
* Internals
- FIX: problems related to users working from different time
zones have been fixed (#1270, #1332)
- FEATURE: Html/Attribute now allows boolean properties
- FEATURE: Html/Attribute allows colons in attribute names
(required for SVGs)
- FEATURE: Html/Attributes can be prefixed (helps with data- -)
- FEATURE: Html/Img data:-urls are now supported
- FEATURE: ipl has been aligned with the upcoming ipl-html
- FEATURE: Director now supports multiple Databases, allows to
switch between them and to deploy different Config Packages.
Other features based on this combined with related
documentation will follow.
- update to 1.4.3
* Fixed issues
- You can find issues and feature requests related to this
release on our roadmap
* User Interface
- FIX: Pagination used to be broken for some tables (#1273)
* Automation
- FIX: API calls changing only object relations and no "real"
property resulted in no change at all (#1315)
- update to 1.4.2
* Fixed issues
- You can find issues and feature requests related to this
release on our roadmap
* Configuration rendering
- FIX: Caching had an influence on context-specific Custom
Variable rendering when those variables contained macros
* Sync
- FIX: The fix for #1223 caused a regression and broke Sync for
objects without a 'disabled' property (Sets, List members)
- update to 1.4.1
* Fixed issues
- You can find issues and feature requests related to this
release on our roadmap
* Automation
- FIX: A Sync Rule with merge policy used to re-enable manually
disabled objects, even when no Sync Property disabled has
been defined (#1223)
- FIX: SQL error on PostgreSQL when inspecting Template-Choice
* Large environments
- FIX: Director tries to raise it's memory limit for certain
memory-intensive tasks. When granted more (but not infinite)
memory however this had the effect that he self-restricted
himself to a lower limit (#1222)
* User Interface
- FIX: Assignment filters suggested only Host properties,
you have been required to manually type Service property
names (#1207)
- FIX: Hostgroups Dashlet has been shown to users with
restricted permissions, clicking it used to throw an error
- include agent installer for linux and windows
- aktivate systemd for module-director
- update to 1.4.0
* New requirements
- Icinga Director now requires PHP 5.4, support for 5.3 has
been dropped
- For best performance we strongly suggest PHP 7
- When using MySQL, please consider slowly moving to at least
version 5.5. One of our next versions will introduce official
Emoji support 😱😱😱! That's not possible with older MySQL
versions. However, 1.4.x still supports 5.1.x
* Fixed issues and related features
- You can find issues and feature requests related to this
release on our [roadmap]
* Dashboard and Dashlets
- Multiple new Dashboards have been introduced, their layout
has been optimized
- Dashboards are made aware of newly introduced permissions and
try to provide useful hints
* GUI, UX and Responsiveness
- Many little improvements related to mobile devices have been
applied to Dashboards, Forms and Tables
- Search has been both improved and simplified. On most tables
search spawns multiple columns, visible and invisible ones.
Multiple search terms are combined in an intuitive way.
- Pagination (and search) has been added to those tables where
it was still missing
- Some form fields referencing related objects are no longer
static drop-down selection elements but offer suggestions as
you type. This makes forms faster, especially in larger
- Navigation has been simplified, redirects after form
submissions have been improved, more possibilities to jump
to related objects have been added
- Form field description has been moved to the bottom of the
screen. Might be easier to overlook this way, but while the
former implementation was great for people navigating forms
with their Keyboard, it was annoying for Mouse lovers
- Double-Click a Tab to enlarge it to full width
- Action Link bar has been unified, all links should now
respect permissions
- All tables showing historic data are now grouped by day
- Property Modifiers, Sync Rules, Import Sources and more
objects now offer description fields. This allows you to
explain your colleagues all the magic going on behind the
* Object Types
- Service Sets got quite some tweaking and bug fixing
- Groups of all kinds are now able to list their members,
even when being applied based on filters
- Command Argument handling has been improved
- It is now possible to configure Dependencies through the
Icinga Director
- Cloning Hosts now allows to also optionally clone their
Services and Service Sets
* Templates
- The template resolver has been rewritten, is now easier to
test, strict and faster
- Template Tree has been re-written and now also immediately
shows whether a template is in use
- When navigating to a Template you'll notice a new usage
summary page showing you where and how that specific template
is being used. Therefor, many tables are now internally able
to filter by inheritance
* Template Choices
- While Host- and Service-Templates are powerful building
blocks, having to choose from a single long list might become
unintuitive as this list starts growing.
That's where Template Choices jump in. They allow you to
bundle related Templates together and offer your users to
choose amongst them in a meaningful way.
* Apply rules
- Various related issues have been addressed
- A new virtual "is true / is set" operator is now available
* Permissions and Restrictions
- It is now possible to limit access to Hosts belonging to a
list of Hostgroups.
This works also for Hostgroups assigned through Apply Rules.
- Data List entries can be made available based on Roles
* Data Types
- SQL Query and Data List based Data Fields can now both be
offered as Array fields, so that you can choose among
specific options when filling such
- New overview tables give admins a deep look into used Custom
Variables, their distinct values and usage
- Various issues related to Boolean values have been fixed
* Import and Synchronization
- Many issues have been addressed. Merge behavior, handling of
special fields and data types
- Problems with Import Source deletion on PostgreSQL have been
- New Property Modifiers are available. When importing single
Services you might love the "Combine" modifier
- It is now possible to re-arrange execution order of Property
Modifiers and Sync Properties
- Preview rendering got some improvements
- "Replace" policy on Custom Vars is now always respected
- Using VMware/vSphere/ESX? There is now a new powerful module
providing a dedicated Import Source
- A new Self Service API now allows to completely automate your
Icinga Agent roll-out, especially (but not only) for
Microsoft Windows
- List views are now officially available. They are very fast
and stream the result in a memory-efficient way
- Documentation better explains how to deal with various
objects, especially with different types of Services (!!!!!)
* Internal architecture
- Many base components have been completely replaced and
re-written, based on and early prototype of our upcoming
Icinga PHP Library (ipl)
- change spec to use php7 also
- update to 1.3.2
* Fixed issues and related features
- You can find issues and feature requests related to this
release on our roadmap
* Apply Rules
- Slashes in Apply Rules have not been correctly escaped
- Services applied based on Arrays (contains) did not show up
in the Hosts Services list, and therefor it was not possible
to override their vars
- Some magic has been introduced to detect numbers in apply
rules - not perfect yet
* Host Groups
- It has not been possible to modify Host Groups without
defining an apply rule
- Hostgroups have not been sorted
- It is now legal to have external HostGroup objects
* Rendered Config
- Custom Endpoint objects are now rendered to their parent zone
- (Rendering) issues with the in operator have been fixed
- You are now allowed to put Notifications into specific Zones
* Usability and UI
- Selecting multiple hosts at once and deleting them had no
- Documentation got some little improvements
- German translation has been refreshed
- Header alignment has been improved
- Escaping issues with the Inspect feture have been addressed
* Kickstart
- Kickstart is more robust and now able to deal with renamed
Icinga Masters and more
- It is not possible to list and show Service Sets on the CLI
* Import and Sync
- Synchronizing Data List entries caused problems
- A new Import Modifier has been added to deal with LConf
- Issues with special characters like spaces used in column
names shipped by Import Sources have been addressed
- A new Property Modifier allows to filter Arrays based on
wildcards or regular expressions
- A new Property Modifier allowing to "Combine multiple
properties" has been introduced. It's main purpose is to
provide reliable unique keys when importing single service
- A new warning hint informs you in case you created a Sync
Rule without related properties
- Synchronization filters failed when built with columns not
used in any property mapping
* Auditing
- The audit log now also carries IP address and username
* Generic bug fixes
- Fixed erraneous loop detection under certain (rare)
- Various issues with PHP 5.3 have been fixed
- Combination of multiple table filters might have failed
(in very rare conditions)
- update to 1.3.1
* Fixed issues and related features
- You can find issues and feature requests related to this
release on our [roadmap]
* Service Sets
- Various little issues have been fixed. You can now remove Sets from hosts,
even when being empty. Services from Sets assigned to parents or via apply
rule are now shown for every single host, and their custom vars can be
overridden at a single host level
- Sets assigned to single hosts have been shown, variable overrides have been
offered - but rendering did not include the Director-generated template
necessary to really put them into place. This has been fixed
* Usability
- A nasty bug hindered fields inherited from Commands from being shown ad a
Service level - works fine right now
- There is now a pagination for Zones
- Multiedit no longer showed custom fields, now it works again as it should
* Rendering
- Disabling a host now also disables rendering of related objects (Endpoint,
Zone) for hosts using the Icinga Agent
- Ticket creation through the REST API has been broken, is now fixed
* Performance, Internals
- A data encoding inconsistency slowed down apply rule editing where a lot of
host custom vars exists
- Some internal changes have been made to make parts of the code easier to be
used by other modules
- update README.SUSE
- update to 1.3.0
* Fixed issues and related features
- You can find issues and feature requests related to this
release on our [roadmap]
* Service Sets
- You are now allowed to create sets of services and assign all
of them at once with an apply rule
- Sets can be assigned to host templates or directly to single
* Service Variable Overrides
- When switching to a host view's services tab, you'll now not
only see its very own services, but also ones that result
from an apply rule
- You can override those services custom field values for every
single host
- Same goes for services belonging to Service Sets
* Apply rules
- A new "contains" operator gives more possibilities when
working with arrays
- Service vars are now also offered in the apply rule form
* Custom Variables and Fields
- Issues with special characters in custom variables have been
- In case mandatory fields should not have been enforced, this
should work fine right now
- Fields can now be shown based on filter rules. Example use
case: show a `Community String` field in case `SNMPv2` has
been selected, but show five other fields for `SNMPv3`. This
allows one to build powerful little wizard-like forms like
shown [here](16-Fields-example-SNMP.md)
* Agents and Satellites
- It is now possible to set Agent and Zone settings on every
single host. This means that you no longer need to provide
dedicated Templates for Satellite nodes
- The proposed Agent Deployment script has been improved for
Windows and Linux
- Infrastructure management got a dedicated dashboard
- Kickstart Wizard helps when working with Satellites. This has
formerly been a hidden, now it can be accessed through the
Infrastructure dashboard
* Commands
- Command arguments are now always appended when inheriting a
template. This slightly changes the former behavior, but
should mostly be what one would expect anyways.
* Testing
- [Testing instructions](Testing.md) have been improved
- Running the test suite has been simplified
- While we keep running our own [tests](Testing.md) on software
platforms, tests are now also visible on Travis-CI and
triggered for all pull requests
* Compatibility
- We worked around a bug in very old PHP 5.3 versions on
CentOS 6
* Activity log
- You can now search and filter in the Activity log
- In case you have hundreds of thousands of changes you'll
notice that pagination performance improve a lot
- A quick-filter allows you to see just your very own changes
with a single click
* Deployment
- More performance tweaking took place. 1.2.0 was already very
fast, 1.3.0 should beat it
- Deployment log got better at detecting files and linking them
directly from the log output, in case any error occured
* Work related to Icinga 1.x
- Deploying to Icinga 1.x is completely unsupported. However,
it works and a lot of effort has been put into this feature,
so it should be mentioned here
- Please note that the Icinga Director has not been designed
to deploy legacy 1.x configuration. This is a sponsored
feature for a larger migration project and has therefore been
built in a very opinionated way. You shouldn't even try to
use it. And if so, you're on your own. Nobody will help you
when running into trouble
* Translation
- German translation is now again at 100%
- Issues related to fetching object lists have been fixed
* Integrations
- We now hook into the [Cube]
(https://github.com/icinga/icingaweb2-module-cube) module,
this gives one more possibility to benefit from our
multi-edit feature
- Icinga Web 2.4 caused some minor issues for 1.2.0. It works,
but an upgrade to Director 1.3.0 is strongly suggested
- update to 1.2.0
* Fixed a lot of issues and related features
- You can find issues and feature requests related to this
release on our [roadmap](https://dev.icinga.org/versions/310)
* Permissions and restrictions
- Permissions are now enforced. Please check your role
definitions, permission names have changed and are now
enforced everywhere
- Configuration preview, Inspect action, Deployment and others
can be granted independently
* Auditing
- Director provides a nice activity log. Now it is also
possible to additionally log to Syslog or File in case you
want to archive all actions elsewhere. Access to the audit
log in the Director can be controlled with a new permission
* Configuration kickstart
- Now imports also existing notification commands
- Kickstart can be re-triggered on demand at any time
* Performance
- Config rendering got a huge performance boost. In large
environments we managed it to deploy a real-world
configuration 5 times as fast as before
* Import / Sync
- Various improvements have been applied, mostly hidden small
features that should make work easier. Better form field
descriptions, more possibilities when it goes to syncing
special fields like "imports"
- Property modifiers can now generate new modified columns at
import time
- New property modifiers are available. There is a pretty
flexible DNS lookup, you can cast to Integer or Boolean, JSON
decoding and more is offered
- Datalist entries can now be imported and synchronized, this
was broken in 1.1
* Configuration possibilities
- You can now define assign rules nested as deep as you want,
based on all host and/or service properties
- It is now possible to define "assign for" constructs, looping
over hashes or dictionaries
- Improved Icinga 2 DSL support in commands, implicit support
for skip\_key
- More and more developers are contributing code. We therefore
simplified the way to launch our unit tests and provided
related documentation
- Other objects can be referred as a dropdown or similar in
custom variables
* GUI and usability
- Form error handling got a lot of tweaking, eventual
exceptions are caught in various places and presented in a
readable way
- The deployment button is now easier to find
- Configuration preview has been improved and allows a full
config diff even before deploying the configuration
- Inheritance loops are now shown in a nice way and can be
resolved in the GUI
- A new hidden gem is the multiedit functionality.
Press SHIFT/CTRL while selecting multiple hosts and modify
imports, custom vars and other properties for all of them at
- Errors or warnings in all historic startup logs now link
directly to the related config file at the time being,
pointing to the referred line
* Agent setup
- The Windows kickstart script got some small improvements and
now enables all related ITL commands per default
- You can find a few new commands, with the ability to list or
fetch all hosts at once in various ways being the most
prominent one
* Related modules
- There are now more additional modules implementing Director
Hooks. AWS import for EC2 instances, ELBs and Autoscaling
Groups. File import for CSV, JSON, YAML and XML. We heard
from various successful Import source implementations in
custom projects and would love to see more of those being
publicly available!
- update to 1.1.0
* Fixed a lot of issues and related features
- You can find issues and feature requests related to this
release on our roadmap
* Icinga Agent handling
- A lot of effort has been put into making config deployment
easier for environments with lots of Icinga Agents
- Related bugs have been fixed, the generated configuration
should now work fine in distributed environments
- A customized Powershell Script for automatic Windows Agent
setup is provided
* Apply Rules
- It's now possible to work with apply rules in various places
* Notifications
- All components required to deploy notifications are now
available. ENV for commands is still missing, however it's
pretty easy to work around this
* Automation
- Job Scheduler and Job Runner have been introduced. Import,
Sync, Deploy and run Housekeeping in the background with
full control and feedback in the GUI
- There is a new intelligent purge option allowing one to purge
only those objects that vanished at involved Import Sources
between multiple Import and Sync Runs.
* Data Types
- Booleans, Integers and Arrays are now first-class citizens
when dealing with custom variables
- initial version 1.0.0

Request History
Eric Schirra's avatar

ecsos created request

- update to 1.5.2
* Fixed issues
- You can find issues and feature requests related to this
release on our roadmap
* Configuration rendering
- FIX: Fix compatibility with Icinga v2.6, got broken with
v1.5.0 (#1614)
- FIX: No more invalid JSON in some special circumstances
* User Interface
- FIX: Hostgroup assignment cache has been fixed (#1574, #1618)
* DB Schema
- FIX: missing user/timeperiod constraint. We usually do not
touch the schema in minor versions, this has been
cherry-picked by accident. However, don't worry - the
migration has been tested intensively.
- update to 1.5.1
* Fixed issues
- You can find issues and feature requests related to this
release on our [roadmap]
* Icinga Configuration
- FIX: Switched Variable-Override related constant names broke
the feature (#1601)
* User Interface
- FIX: Custom Fields attached to a Service Template have not
been shown for Apply Rules whose name matched the Template
Name (#1602)
* Import and Sync
- FIX: There was an issue with specific binary checksums on
MySQL (#1556)
- update to 1.5.0
* Fixed issues
- You can find issues and feature requests related to this
release on our [roadmap]
* Security Fixes
- FIX: users with `director/audit` permission had the
possibility to inject SQL. Thanks to Boyd Ansems for
reporting this.
* Permissions and Restrictions
- FEATURE: Showing the executed SQL query now requires the
`showsql` permission
- FEATURE: Grant access to Service Set in a controlled way
- FIX: do not allow a user to create hosts he wouldn't be
allowed to see #1451
- FIX: Hostgroup-based restrictions worked fine when applied,
bug was buggy in combination with directly assigned or
inherited groups (#1464)
* Icinga Configuration
- FEATURE: Add 'is false (or not set)' condition for apply
rules (#1436)
- FEATURE: support flapping settings for Icinga >= 2.8.0
- FEATURE: include all itl packages in Linux Agent sample
config (#1450)
- FEATURE: it's now possible to blacklist inherited or applied
Services on single hosts (#907)
- FEATURE: timestamped startup log rendering for upcoming
Icinga v2.9.0 (#1478)
- FEATURE: allow to switch between multiple Director databases
- FEATURE: it's now possible to specify Zones for UserGroups
- FEATURE: dependencies are no longer considered experimental
* User Interface
- FEATURE: Admins have now access to JSON download links in
many places
- FEATURE: Users equipped with related permissions can toggle
"Show SQL" in the GUI
- FEATURE: A Service Set can now be assigned to multiple hosts
at once #1281
- FEATURE: Commands can now be filtered by usage (#1480)
- FEATURE: Show usage of Commands over templates and objects
- FEATURE: Allow horizontal size increase of Import Source
DB Query field (#299)
- FEATURE: Small UI improvements like #1308
- FEATURE: Data Lists can be chosen by name in Sync rules
- FEATURE: Inspect feature got refactored, also for Services
(#264, #689, #1396, #1397)
- FEATURE: The "Modify" hook is now available for Services
(#689), regardless of whether they have been directly
assigned, inherited or applied
- FEATURE: Config preview links imports, hosts and commands to
related objects (#1521)
- FEATURE: German translation has been refreshed (#1599)
- FEATURE: Apply Rule editor shows suggestions for Data-List
vars (#1588)
- FIX: Don't suggest Command templates where Commands are
required (#1414)
- FIX: Do not allow to delete Commands being used by other
objects (#1443)
- FIX: Show 'Inspect' tab only for Endpoints with an ApiUser
- FIX: It's now possible to specify TimePeriods for single
Users #944
- FIX: Redirect after not modifying a Command Argument failed
on some RHEL 7 setups (#1512)
- FIX: click on Service Set titles no longer removes them from
their host (#1560)
- FIX: Restoring objects based on compound keys has been fixed
- FIX: Linux Agent kickstart script improved and tweaked for
Icinga 2.9 (#1596)
- FEATURE: Director Health Check Plugin (#1278)
- FEATURE: Show and trigger Import Sources (#1474)
- FEATURE: Show and trigger Sync Rules ( #1476)
* Import and Sync
- FIX: Sync is very powerful and allows for actions not
available in the GUI. It however allowed to store invalid
single Service Objects with no Host. This is now illegal,
as it never makes any sense
- FIX: Performance boost for "purge" on older MySQL/MariaDB
systems (#1475)
- FEATURE: new Property Modifier for IPs formatted as number
in Excel files (#1296)
- FEATURE: new Property Modifier to url-encode values
- FEATURE: new Property Modifier: uppercase the first character
of each word
- FEATURE: Kickstart Helper now also imports Event Commands
- FEATURE: Preserve _override_servicevars on sync,
even when replacing vars (#1307)
* Internals
- FIX: problems related to users working from different time
zones have been fixed (#1270, #1332)
- FEATURE: Html/Attribute now allows boolean properties
- FEATURE: Html/Attribute allows colons in attribute names
(required for SVGs)
- FEATURE: Html/Attributes can be prefixed (helps with data- -)
- FEATURE: Html/Img data:-urls are now supported
- FEATURE: ipl has been aligned with the upcoming ipl-html
- FEATURE: Director now supports multiple Databases, allows to
switch between them and to deploy different Config Packages.
Other features based on this combined with related
documentation will follow.
- update to 1.4.3
* Fixed issues
- You can find issues and feature requests related to this
release on our roadmap
* User Interface
- FIX: Pagination used to be broken for some tables (#1273)
* Automation
- FIX: API calls changing only object relations and no "real"
property resulted in no change at all (#1315)
- update to 1.4.2
* Fixed issues
- You can find issues and feature requests related to this
release on our roadmap
* Configuration rendering
- FIX: Caching had an influence on context-specific Custom
Variable rendering when those variables contained macros
* Sync
- FIX: The fix for #1223 caused a regression and broke Sync for
objects without a 'disabled' property (Sets, List members)
- update to 1.4.1
* Fixed issues
- You can find issues and feature requests related to this
release on our roadmap
* Automation
- FIX: A Sync Rule with merge policy used to re-enable manually
disabled objects, even when no Sync Property disabled has
been defined (#1223)
- FIX: SQL error on PostgreSQL when inspecting Template-Choice
* Large environments
- FIX: Director tries to raise it's memory limit for certain
memory-intensive tasks. When granted more (but not infinite)
memory however this had the effect that he self-restricted
himself to a lower limit (#1222)
* User Interface
- FIX: Assignment filters suggested only Host properties,
you have been required to manually type Service property
names (#1207)
- FIX: Hostgroups Dashlet has been shown to users with
restricted permissions, clicking it used to throw an error
- include agent installer for linux and windows
- aktivate systemd for module-director
- update to 1.4.0
* New requirements
- Icinga Director now requires PHP 5.4, support for 5.3 has
been dropped
- For best performance we strongly suggest PHP 7
- When using MySQL, please consider slowly moving to at least
version 5.5. One of our next versions will introduce official
Emoji support 😱😱😱! That's not possible with older MySQL
versions. However, 1.4.x still supports 5.1.x
* Fixed issues and related features
- You can find issues and feature requests related to this
release on our [roadmap]
* Dashboard and Dashlets
- Multiple new Dashboards have been introduced, their layout
has been optimized
- Dashboards are made aware of newly introduced permissions and
try to provide useful hints
* GUI, UX and Responsiveness
- Many little improvements related to mobile devices have been
applied to Dashboards, Forms and Tables
- Search has been both improved and simplified. On most tables
search spawns multiple columns, visible and invisible ones.
Multiple search terms are combined in an intuitive way.
- Pagination (and search) has been added to those tables where
it was still missing
- Some form fields referencing related objects are no longer
static drop-down selection elements but offer suggestions as
you type. This makes forms faster, especially in larger
- Navigation has been simplified, redirects after form
submissions have been improved, more possibilities to jump
to related objects have been added
- Form field description has been moved to the bottom of the
screen. Might be easier to overlook this way, but while the
former implementation was great for people navigating forms
with their Keyboard, it was annoying for Mouse lovers
- Double-Click a Tab to enlarge it to full width
- Action Link bar has been unified, all links should now
respect permissions
- All tables showing historic data are now grouped by day
- Property Modifiers, Sync Rules, Import Sources and more
objects now offer description fields. This allows you to
explain your colleagues all the magic going on behind the
* Object Types
- Service Sets got quite some tweaking and bug fixing
- Groups of all kinds are now able to list their members,
even when being applied based on filters
- Command Argument handling has been improved
- It is now possible to configure Dependencies through the
Icinga Director
- Cloning Hosts now allows to also optionally clone their
Services and Service Sets
* Templates
- The template resolver has been rewritten, is now easier to
test, strict and faster
- Template Tree has been re-written and now also immediately
shows whether a template is in use
- When navigating to a Template you'll notice a new usage
summary page showing you where and how that specific template
is being used. Therefor, many tables are now internally able
to filter by inheritance
* Template Choices
- While Host- and Service-Templates are powerful building
blocks, having to choose from a single long list might become
unintuitive as this list starts growing.
That's where Template Choices jump in. They allow you to
bundle related Templates together and offer your users to
choose amongst them in a meaningful way.
* Apply rules
- Various related issues have been addressed
- A new virtual "is true / is set" operator is now available
* Permissions and Restrictions
- It is now possible to limit access to Hosts belonging to a
list of Hostgroups.
This works also for Hostgroups assigned through Apply Rules.
- Data List entries can be made available based on Roles
* Data Types
- SQL Query and Data List based Data Fields can now both be
offered as Array fields, so that you can choose among
specific options when filling such
- New overview tables give admins a deep look into used Custom
Variables, their distinct values and usage
- Various issues related to Boolean values have been fixed
* Import and Synchronization
- Many issues have been addressed. Merge behavior, handling of
special fields and data types
- Problems with Import Source deletion on PostgreSQL have been
- New Property Modifiers are available. When importing single
Services you might love the "Combine" modifier
- It is now possible to re-arrange execution order of Property
Modifiers and Sync Properties
- Preview rendering got some improvements
- "Replace" policy on Custom Vars is now always respected
- Using VMware/vSphere/ESX? There is now a new powerful module
providing a dedicated Import Source
- A new Self Service API now allows to completely automate your
Icinga Agent roll-out, especially (but not only) for
Microsoft Windows
- List views are now officially available. They are very fast
and stream the result in a memory-efficient way
- Documentation better explains how to deal with various
objects, especially with different types of Services (!!!!!)
* Internal architecture
- Many base components have been completely replaced and
re-written, based on and early prototype of our upcoming
Icinga PHP Library (ipl)
- change spec to use php7 also
- update to 1.3.2
* Fixed issues and related features
- You can find issues and feature requests related to this
release on our roadmap
* Apply Rules
- Slashes in Apply Rules have not been correctly escaped
- Services applied based on Arrays (contains) did not show up
in the Hosts Services list, and therefor it was not possible
to override their vars
- Some magic has been introduced to detect numbers in apply
rules - not perfect yet
* Host Groups
- It has not been possible to modify Host Groups without
defining an apply rule
- Hostgroups have not been sorted
- It is now legal to have external HostGroup objects
* Rendered Config
- Custom Endpoint objects are now rendered to their parent zone
- (Rendering) issues with the in operator have been fixed
- You are now allowed to put Notifications into specific Zones
* Usability and UI
- Selecting multiple hosts at once and deleting them had no
- Documentation got some little improvements
- German translation has been refreshed
- Header alignment has been improved
- Escaping issues with the Inspect feture have been addressed
* Kickstart
- Kickstart is more robust and now able to deal with renamed
Icinga Masters and more
- It is not possible to list and show Service Sets on the CLI
* Import and Sync
- Synchronizing Data List entries caused problems
- A new Import Modifier has been added to deal with LConf
- Issues with special characters like spaces used in column
names shipped by Import Sources have been addressed
- A new Property Modifier allows to filter Arrays based on
wildcards or regular expressions
- A new Property Modifier allowing to "Combine multiple
properties" has been introduced. It's main purpose is to
provide reliable unique keys when importing single service
- A new warning hint informs you in case you created a Sync
Rule without related properties
- Synchronization filters failed when built with columns not
used in any property mapping
* Auditing
- The audit log now also carries IP address and username
* Generic bug fixes
- Fixed erraneous loop detection under certain (rare)
- Various issues with PHP 5.3 have been fixed
- Combination of multiple table filters might have failed
(in very rare conditions)
- update to 1.3.1
* Fixed issues and related features
- You can find issues and feature requests related to this
release on our [roadmap]
* Service Sets
- Various little issues have been fixed. You can now remove Sets from hosts,
even when being empty. Services from Sets assigned to parents or via apply
rule are now shown for every single host, and their custom vars can be
overridden at a single host level
- Sets assigned to single hosts have been shown, variable overrides have been
offered - but rendering did not include the Director-generated template
necessary to really put them into place. This has been fixed
* Usability
- A nasty bug hindered fields inherited from Commands from being shown ad a
Service level - works fine right now
- There is now a pagination for Zones
- Multiedit no longer showed custom fields, now it works again as it should
* Rendering
- Disabling a host now also disables rendering of related objects (Endpoint,
Zone) for hosts using the Icinga Agent
- Ticket creation through the REST API has been broken, is now fixed
* Performance, Internals
- A data encoding inconsistency slowed down apply rule editing where a lot of
host custom vars exists
- Some internal changes have been made to make parts of the code easier to be
used by other modules
- update README.SUSE
- update to 1.3.0
* Fixed issues and related features
- You can find issues and feature requests related to this
release on our [roadmap]
* Service Sets
- You are now allowed to create sets of services and assign all
of them at once with an apply rule
- Sets can be assigned to host templates or directly to single
* Service Variable Overrides
- When switching to a host view's services tab, you'll now not
only see its very own services, but also ones that result
from an apply rule
- You can override those services custom field values for every
single host
- Same goes for services belonging to Service Sets
* Apply rules
- A new "contains" operator gives more possibilities when
working with arrays
- Service vars are now also offered in the apply rule form
* Custom Variables and Fields
- Issues with special characters in custom variables have been
- In case mandatory fields should not have been enforced, this
should work fine right now
- Fields can now be shown based on filter rules. Example use
case: show a `Community String` field in case `SNMPv2` has
been selected, but show five other fields for `SNMPv3`. This
allows one to build powerful little wizard-like forms like
shown [here](16-Fields-example-SNMP.md)
* Agents and Satellites
- It is now possible to set Agent and Zone settings on every
single host. This means that you no longer need to provide
dedicated Templates for Satellite nodes
- The proposed Agent Deployment script has been improved for
Windows and Linux
- Infrastructure management got a dedicated dashboard
- Kickstart Wizard helps when working with Satellites. This has
formerly been a hidden, now it can be accessed through the
Infrastructure dashboard
* Commands
- Command arguments are now always appended when inheriting a
template. This slightly changes the former behavior, but
should mostly be what one would expect anyways.
* Testing
- [Testing instructions](Testing.md) have been improved
- Running the test suite has been simplified
- While we keep running our own [tests](Testing.md) on software
platforms, tests are now also visible on Travis-CI and
triggered for all pull requests
* Compatibility
- We worked around a bug in very old PHP 5.3 versions on
CentOS 6
* Activity log
- You can now search and filter in the Activity log
- In case you have hundreds of thousands of changes you'll
notice that pagination performance improve a lot
- A quick-filter allows you to see just your very own changes
with a single click
* Deployment
- More performance tweaking took place. 1.2.0 was already very
fast, 1.3.0 should beat it
- Deployment log got better at detecting files and linking them
directly from the log output, in case any error occured
* Work related to Icinga 1.x
- Deploying to Icinga 1.x is completely unsupported. However,
it works and a lot of effort has been put into this feature,
so it should be mentioned here
- Please note that the Icinga Director has not been designed
to deploy legacy 1.x configuration. This is a sponsored
feature for a larger migration project and has therefore been
built in a very opinionated way. You shouldn't even try to
use it. And if so, you're on your own. Nobody will help you
when running into trouble
* Translation
- German translation is now again at 100%
- Issues related to fetching object lists have been fixed
* Integrations
- We now hook into the [Cube]
(https://github.com/icinga/icingaweb2-module-cube) module,
this gives one more possibility to benefit from our
multi-edit feature
- Icinga Web 2.4 caused some minor issues for 1.2.0. It works,
but an upgrade to Director 1.3.0 is strongly suggested
- update to 1.2.0
* Fixed a lot of issues and related features
- You can find issues and feature requests related to this
release on our [roadmap](https://dev.icinga.org/versions/310)
* Permissions and restrictions
- Permissions are now enforced. Please check your role
definitions, permission names have changed and are now
enforced everywhere
- Configuration preview, Inspect action, Deployment and others
can be granted independently
* Auditing
- Director provides a nice activity log. Now it is also
possible to additionally log to Syslog or File in case you
want to archive all actions elsewhere. Access to the audit
log in the Director can be controlled with a new permission
* Configuration kickstart
- Now imports also existing notification commands
- Kickstart can be re-triggered on demand at any time
* Performance
- Config rendering got a huge performance boost. In large
environments we managed it to deploy a real-world
configuration 5 times as fast as before
* Import / Sync
- Various improvements have been applied, mostly hidden small
features that should make work easier. Better form field
descriptions, more possibilities when it goes to syncing
special fields like "imports"
- Property modifiers can now generate new modified columns at
import time
- New property modifiers are available. There is a pretty
flexible DNS lookup, you can cast to Integer or Boolean, JSON
decoding and more is offered
- Datalist entries can now be imported and synchronized, this
was broken in 1.1
* Configuration possibilities
- You can now define assign rules nested as deep as you want,
based on all host and/or service properties
- It is now possible to define "assign for" constructs, looping
over hashes or dictionaries
- Improved Icinga 2 DSL support in commands, implicit support
for skip\_key
- More and more developers are contributing code. We therefore
simplified the way to launch our unit tests and provided
related documentation
- Other objects can be referred as a dropdown or similar in
custom variables
* GUI and usability
- Form error handling got a lot of tweaking, eventual
exceptions are caught in various places and presented in a
readable way
- The deployment button is now easier to find
- Configuration preview has been improved and allows a full
config diff even before deploying the configuration
- Inheritance loops are now shown in a nice way and can be
resolved in the GUI
- A new hidden gem is the multiedit functionality.
Press SHIFT/CTRL while selecting multiple hosts and modify
imports, custom vars and other properties for all of them at
- Errors or warnings in all historic startup logs now link
directly to the related config file at the time being,
pointing to the referred line
* Agent setup
- The Windows kickstart script got some small improvements and
now enables all related ITL commands per default
- You can find a few new commands, with the ability to list or
fetch all hosts at once in various ways being the most
prominent one
* Related modules
- There are now more additional modules implementing Director
Hooks. AWS import for EC2 instances, ELBs and Autoscaling
Groups. File import for CSV, JSON, YAML and XML. We heard
from various successful Import source implementations in
custom projects and would love to see more of those being
publicly available!
- update to 1.1.0
* Fixed a lot of issues and related features
- You can find issues and feature requests related to this
release on our roadmap
* Icinga Agent handling
- A lot of effort has been put into making config deployment
easier for environments with lots of Icinga Agents
- Related bugs have been fixed, the generated configuration
should now work fine in distributed environments
- A customized Powershell Script for automatic Windows Agent
setup is provided
* Apply Rules
- It's now possible to work with apply rules in various places
* Notifications
- All components required to deploy notifications are now
available. ENV for commands is still missing, however it's
pretty easy to work around this
* Automation
- Job Scheduler and Job Runner have been introduced. Import,
Sync, Deploy and run Housekeeping in the background with
full control and feedback in the GUI
- There is a new intelligent purge option allowing one to purge
only those objects that vanished at involved Import Sources
between multiple Import and Sync Runs.
* Data Types
- Booleans, Integers and Arrays are now first-class citizens
when dealing with custom variables
- initial version 1.0.0

Eric Schirra's avatar

ecsos accepted request


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