Request 646396 accepted
- Update to version 1.0.1
* hook into Travis CI to run integration tests
* fixed potential deadlock upon malloc failing
* fixed improper process name parsing and sanitizing process
name for dump file generation
* fixed various typos
* fixed post-build check failures on openSUSE
- Dropped procdump-SUSE.patch (merged upstream) and
procdump-no_return_nonvoid.patch (no longer necessary)
Request History
alois created request
- Update to version 1.0.1
* hook into Travis CI to run integration tests
* fixed potential deadlock upon malloc failing
* fixed improper process name parsing and sanitizing process
name for dump file generation
* fixed various typos
* fixed post-build check failures on openSUSE
- Dropped procdump-SUSE.patch (merged upstream) and
procdump-no_return_nonvoid.patch (no longer necessary)
alois accepted request