
Request 647671 accepted

- Update to version 0.21.1, fixes (boo#1114607)
* protocol
+ allow escaping quotes in filter expressions
+ operator "==" never searches substrings in filter
* decoder
+ ffmpeg: fix build failure with non-standard FFmpeg
installation path
+ flac: fix linker failure when building without FLAC support
* encoder
+ vorbis: fix linker failure when building without Vorbis
* fix build failure on Linux-PowerPC
* add warning about buggy Boost version 1.67
* require Meson 0.47.2 because a Meson 0.47.1 bug breaks our
version 0.21
* configuration
+ add "include" directive, allows including config files
+ incremental "metadata_to_use" setting
* protocol
+ "tagtypes" can be used to hide tags
+ "find" and "search" can sort
+ "outputs" prints the plugin name
+ "outputset" sets runtime attributes
+ close connection when client sends HTTP request
+ new filter syntax for "find"/"search" etc. with negation
* database
+ simple: scan audio formats
+ proxy: require libmpdclient 2.9
+ proxy: forward `sort` and `window` to server
* player
+ hard-code "buffer_before_play" to 1 second, independent of
audio format
+ "one-shot" single mode
* input
+ curl: download to buffer instead of throttling transfer
+ qobuz: new plugin to play Qobuz streams
+ tidal: new plugin to play Tidal streams
* tags
+ new tags "OriginalDate", "MUSICBRAINZ_WORKID"
* decoder
+ ffmpeg: require at least version 11.12
+ gme: try loading m3u sidecar files
+ hybrid_dsd: new decoder plugin
+ mad: move "gapless_mp3_playback" setting to "decoder" block
+ mikmod: require at least version 3.2
+ pcm: support audio/L24 (RFC 3190)
+ sidplay: support basic and kernal rom (libsidplayfp)
* resampler
+ soxr: flush resampler at end of song
* output
+ alsa: non-blocking mode
+ alsa: change "dop" and "allowed_formats" settings at
+ ao: fix crash bug due to partial frames
+ shout: support the Shine encoder plugin
+ sndio: remove support for the broken RoarAudio sndio
+ roar: removed
+ httpd_output: support for unix sockets
* mixer
+ sndio: new mixer plugin
* encoder
+ opus: support for sending metadata using ogg stream
* listen on $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/mpd/socket by default
* append hostname to Zeroconf service name
* systemd watchdog support
* require GCC 6
* build with Meson instead of autotools
* use GTest instead of cppunit
version 0.20.23
* protocol
+ emit "player" idle event when restarting the current song
* fix broken float to s32 conversion
* new clang crash bug workaround
- Dropped mpd-configh.patch (no longer necessary)
- Added mpd-zlib.patch, mpd-docs.patch and mpd-sndfile.patch
- Switched build to meson

Request History
Luigi Baldoni's avatar

alois created request

- Update to version 0.21.1, fixes (boo#1114607)
* protocol
+ allow escaping quotes in filter expressions
+ operator "==" never searches substrings in filter
* decoder
+ ffmpeg: fix build failure with non-standard FFmpeg
installation path
+ flac: fix linker failure when building without FLAC support
* encoder
+ vorbis: fix linker failure when building without Vorbis
* fix build failure on Linux-PowerPC
* add warning about buggy Boost version 1.67
* require Meson 0.47.2 because a Meson 0.47.1 bug breaks our
version 0.21
* configuration
+ add "include" directive, allows including config files
+ incremental "metadata_to_use" setting
* protocol
+ "tagtypes" can be used to hide tags
+ "find" and "search" can sort
+ "outputs" prints the plugin name
+ "outputset" sets runtime attributes
+ close connection when client sends HTTP request
+ new filter syntax for "find"/"search" etc. with negation
* database
+ simple: scan audio formats
+ proxy: require libmpdclient 2.9
+ proxy: forward `sort` and `window` to server
* player
+ hard-code "buffer_before_play" to 1 second, independent of
audio format
+ "one-shot" single mode
* input
+ curl: download to buffer instead of throttling transfer
+ qobuz: new plugin to play Qobuz streams
+ tidal: new plugin to play Tidal streams
* tags
+ new tags "OriginalDate", "MUSICBRAINZ_WORKID"
* decoder
+ ffmpeg: require at least version 11.12
+ gme: try loading m3u sidecar files
+ hybrid_dsd: new decoder plugin
+ mad: move "gapless_mp3_playback" setting to "decoder" block
+ mikmod: require at least version 3.2
+ pcm: support audio/L24 (RFC 3190)
+ sidplay: support basic and kernal rom (libsidplayfp)
* resampler
+ soxr: flush resampler at end of song
* output
+ alsa: non-blocking mode
+ alsa: change "dop" and "allowed_formats" settings at
+ ao: fix crash bug due to partial frames
+ shout: support the Shine encoder plugin
+ sndio: remove support for the broken RoarAudio sndio
+ roar: removed
+ httpd_output: support for unix sockets
* mixer
+ sndio: new mixer plugin
* encoder
+ opus: support for sending metadata using ogg stream
* listen on $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/mpd/socket by default
* append hostname to Zeroconf service name
* systemd watchdog support
* require GCC 6
* build with Meson instead of autotools
* use GTest instead of cppunit
version 0.20.23
* protocol
+ emit "player" idle event when restarting the current song
* fix broken float to s32 conversion
* new clang crash bug workaround
- Dropped mpd-configh.patch (no longer necessary)
- Added mpd-zlib.patch, mpd-docs.patch and mpd-sndfile.patch
- Switched build to meson

Olaf Hering's avatar

olh accepted request

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