
Request 648478 accepted

- Add patches that remove some new settings on Leap 42.3 (that
would require a newer NetworkManager) to fix the build:
* 0001-Revert-Add-missing-ipv4-setting-options.patch
* 0001-Revert-Add-vxlan-setting.patch

Wolfgang Bauer's avatar
author source maintainer target maintainer


Request History
Wolfgang Bauer's avatar

wolfi323 created request

- Add patches that remove some new settings on Leap 42.3 (that
would require a newer NetworkManager) to fix the build:
* 0001-Revert-Add-missing-ipv4-setting-options.patch
* 0001-Revert-Add-vxlan-setting.patch

Luca Beltrame's avatar

luca_b accepted request

Although 42.3 has been axed from KUF can you still get this stuff in there? So that it's kept in sync.

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