
Request 648746 accepted

- update to version 0.11.0
* Enhancements
+ xarray.DataArray.plot.line() can now accept multidimensional
coordinate variables as input. hue must be a dimension name
in this case. (GH2407) By Deepak Cherian.
+ Added support for Python 3.7. (GH2271). By Joe Hamman.
+ Added support for plotting data with pandas.Interval coordinates,
such as those created by groupby_bins() By Maximilian Maahn.
+ Added shift() for shifting the values of a CFTimeIndex by a
specified frequency. (GH2244). By Spencer Clark.
+ Added support for using cftime.datetime coordinates with
differentiate(), differentiate(), interp(), and interp().
By Spencer Clark
+ There is now a global option to either always keep or always
discard dataset and dataarray attrs upon operations. The option
is set with xarray.set_options(keep_attrs=True), and the default
is to use the old behaviour. By Tom Nicholas.
+ Added a new backend for the GRIB file format based on ECMWF
cfgrib python driver and ecCodes C-library. (GH2475) By
Alessandro Amici, sponsored by ECMWF.
+ Resample now supports a dictionary mapping from dimension to
frequency as its first argument, e.g.,
data.resample({'time': '1D'}).mean(). This is consistent with
other xarray functions that accept either dictionaries or
keyword arguments. By Stephan Hoyer.
+ The preferred way to access tutorial data is now to load it
lazily with xarray.tutorial.open_dataset().
xarray.tutorial.load_dataset() calls Dataset.load() prior to
returning (and is now deprecated). This was changed in order
to facilitate using tutorial datasets with dask. By Joe Hamman.

Request History
Markéta Machová's avatar

mcalabkova created request

- update to version 0.11.0
* Enhancements
+ xarray.DataArray.plot.line() can now accept multidimensional
coordinate variables as input. hue must be a dimension name
in this case. (GH2407) By Deepak Cherian.
+ Added support for Python 3.7. (GH2271). By Joe Hamman.
+ Added support for plotting data with pandas.Interval coordinates,
such as those created by groupby_bins() By Maximilian Maahn.
+ Added shift() for shifting the values of a CFTimeIndex by a
specified frequency. (GH2244). By Spencer Clark.
+ Added support for using cftime.datetime coordinates with
differentiate(), differentiate(), interp(), and interp().
By Spencer Clark
+ There is now a global option to either always keep or always
discard dataset and dataarray attrs upon operations. The option
is set with xarray.set_options(keep_attrs=True), and the default
is to use the old behaviour. By Tom Nicholas.
+ Added a new backend for the GRIB file format based on ECMWF
cfgrib python driver and ecCodes C-library. (GH2475) By
Alessandro Amici, sponsored by ECMWF.
+ Resample now supports a dictionary mapping from dimension to
frequency as its first argument, e.g.,
data.resample({'time': '1D'}).mean(). This is consistent with
other xarray functions that accept either dictionaries or
keyword arguments. By Stephan Hoyer.
+ The preferred way to access tutorial data is now to load it
lazily with xarray.tutorial.open_dataset().
xarray.tutorial.load_dataset() calls Dataset.load() prior to
returning (and is now deprecated). This was changed in order
to facilitate using tutorial datasets with dask. By Joe Hamman.

Sebastian Wagner's avatar

sebix accepted request


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