
Request 651526 accepted

KDE Applications 18.12.0 Beta (last try; fix any other issue post acceptance)


Fabian Vogt's avatar

Following packages in KUA have no %license:

avogadrolibs grantlee5 jovie kaccessible kdebase4-runtime kdeedu-data kdegraphics-thumbnailers kdepimlibs4 kdesdk4-scripts kdesdk-kioslaves kdiagram kfilereplace kjots kommander kppp kremotecontrol kross-interpreters kscd ktp-accounts-kcm ktp-approver ktp-auth-handler ktp-call-ui ktp-common-internals ktp-contact-list ktp-contact-runner ktp-desktop-applets ktp-filetransfer-handler ktp-kded-module ktp-send-file ktp-text-ui kwave kwebkitpart libaccounts-glib libaccounts-qt5 libkface libkolabxml libmlt libqimageblitz5 libsignon-glib molequeue pairs patterns-kde signon signon-plugin-oauth2 signon-ui spglib sweeper telepathy-accounts-signon telepathy-logger-qt5

Wolfgang Bauer's avatar

Only a few of those are part of this SR though: sweeper, kdeedu-data, kdegraphics-thumbnailers, kross-interpreters, kwave
I filed SRs for them (to K:U:A only for now).

No time for the rest at the moment...

Wolfgang Bauer's avatar

Only looked at the changes since the last SR now (I don't have time right now to go through everything again), but it should be fine IMHO.

I noticed yesterday that libkdegames also adds a .categories file to the shared lib package that probably better should go into the main package, but whatever. libkdegames6 also contains some unversioned QML stuff as well anyway.

That said, the so version is actually 7 meanwhile, so the package should rather be renamed to libkdegames7 I think? It would need to obsolete libkdegames6 though because of the unversioned files, so maybe we'd better keep the "wrong" name anyway.

But this was actually the case in 18.08 at least already.

Request History
Luca Beltrame's avatar

luca_b created request

KDE Applications 18.12.0 Beta (last try; fix any other issue post acceptance)

Wolfgang Bauer's avatar

wolfi323 accepted request

As there were no further comments, I think it's fine to get it in now.

I'll do the latest license changes afterwards.

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