
Request 666939 superseded

Plasma 5.15 Beta - Discover doesn't build on <=15.0 yet, I'll fix that later. Second try!

Wolfgang Bauer's avatar


Some URLs switched from https to http (the .sig files in grub2-theme-breeze, kwayland-integration, kwrited5, libkscreen2, pam_kwallet, plasma5-workspace-wallpapers, plymouth-theme-breeze in particular), but that shouldn't matter really (they are redirected anyway).

Request History
Fabian Vogt's avatar

Vogtinator created request

Plasma 5.15 Beta - Discover doesn't build on <=15.0 yet, I'll fix that later. Second try!

Wolfgang Bauer's avatar

wolfi323 declined request

Superseeded by SR#667053

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