
Request 667619 accepted

- Update to version 0.9.13:
+ Fix potential heap overflow
+ Fix crash on some malformed ofx files
+ Fix crash in ofxconnect on missing command line arguments
+ Fix for daylight savings time handling
+ Esier compile on macos: obey LIBTOOLIZE env variable, and fallback to glibtoolize
+ Fix compile on win32 (mingw-w64)
+ Performance an reliability fixes in header parsing
+ Strip CATEGORY tag added by Chase bank
- Fix source url
- Add patch libofx-win32-iconv-compile-fix.patch
- Remove non existant ofx files from doc package

Request History
Ralf Habacker's avatar

rhabacker created request

- Update to version 0.9.13:
+ Fix potential heap overflow
+ Fix crash on some malformed ofx files
+ Fix crash in ofxconnect on missing command line arguments
+ Fix for daylight savings time handling
+ Esier compile on macos: obey LIBTOOLIZE env variable, and fallback to glibtoolize
+ Fix compile on win32 (mingw-w64)
+ Performance an reliability fixes in header parsing
+ Strip CATEGORY tag added by Chase bank
- Fix source url
- Add patch libofx-win32-iconv-compile-fix.patch
- Remove non existant ofx files from doc package

Ralf Habacker's avatar

rhabacker accepted request

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