
Request 667881 accepted

- update to version 0.11.2:
- Removes inadvertently introduced setup dependency on pytest-runner (:issue:`2641`). Otherwise, this release is exactly equivalent to 0.11.1.
- Warning:
- This is the last xarray release that will support Python 2.7. Future releases will be Python 3 only, but older versions of xarray will always be available for Python 2.7 users. For the more details, see:
- update to version 0.11.1:
- Breaking changes
- Minimum rasterio version increased from 0.36 to 1.0 (for open_rasterio)
- Time bounds variables are now also decoded according to CF conventions (:issue:`2565`). The previous behavior was to decode them only if they had specific time attributes, now these attributes are copied automatically from the corresponding time coordinate. This might brake downstream code that was relying on these variables to be not decoded. By Fabien Maussion.
- Enhancements
- Ability to read and write consolidated metadata in zarr stores (:issue:`2558`). By Ryan Abernathey.
- :py:class:`CFTimeIndex` uses slicing for string indexing when possible (like :py:class:`pandas.DatetimeIndex`), which avoids unnecessary copies. By Stephan Hoyer
- Enable passing rasterio.io.DatasetReader or rasterio.vrt.WarpedVRT to open_rasterio instead of file path string. Allows for in-memory reprojection, see (:issue:`2588`). By Scott Henderson.
- Like :py:class:`pandas.DatetimeIndex`, :py:class:`CFTimeIndex` now supports "dayofyear" and "dayofweek" accessors (:issue:`2597`). Note this requires a version of cftime greater than 1.0.2. By Spencer Clark.
- The option 'warn_for_unclosed_files' (False by default) has been added to allow users to enable a warning when files opened by xarray are deallocated but were not explicitly closed. This is mostly useful for debugging; we recommend enabling it in your test suites if you use xarray for IO. By Stephan Hoyer
- Support Dask HighLevelGraphs by Matthew Rocklin.
- :py:meth:`DataArray.resample` and :py:meth:`Dataset.resample` now supports the loffset kwarg just like Pandas. By Deepak Cherian
- Datasets are now guaranteed to have a 'source' encoding, so the source file name is always stored (:issue:`2550`). By Tom Nicholas.
- The apply methods for DatasetGroupBy, DataArrayGroupBy, DatasetResample and DataArrayResample now support passing positional arguments to the applied function as a tuple to the args argument. By Matti Eskelinen.
- 0d slices of ndarrays are now obtained directly through indexing, rather than extracting and wrapping a scalar, avoiding unnecessary copying. By Daniel Wennberg.
- Added support for fill_value with :py:meth:`~xarray.DataArray.shift` and :py:meth:`~xarray.Dataset.shift` By Maximilian Roos
- Bug fixes
- Ensure files are automatically closed, if possible, when no longer referenced by a Python variable (:issue:`2560`). By Stephan Hoyer
- Fixed possible race conditions when reading/writing to disk in parallel (:issue:`2595`). By Stephan Hoyer
- Fix h5netcdf saving scalars with filters or chunks (:issue:`2563`). By Martin Raspaud.
- Fix parsing of _Unsigned attribute set by OPENDAP servers. (:issue:`2583`). By Deepak Cherian
- Fix failure in time encoding when exporting to netCDF with versions of pandas less than 0.21.1 (:issue:`2623`). By Spencer Clark.
- Fix MultiIndex selection to update label and level (:issue:`2619`). By Keisuke Fujii.

Request History
Todd R's avatar

TheBlackCat created request

- update to version 0.11.2:
- Removes inadvertently introduced setup dependency on pytest-runner (:issue:`2641`). Otherwise, this release is exactly equivalent to 0.11.1.
- Warning:
- This is the last xarray release that will support Python 2.7. Future releases will be Python 3 only, but older versions of xarray will always be available for Python 2.7 users. For the more details, see:
- update to version 0.11.1:
- Breaking changes
- Minimum rasterio version increased from 0.36 to 1.0 (for open_rasterio)
- Time bounds variables are now also decoded according to CF conventions (:issue:`2565`). The previous behavior was to decode them only if they had specific time attributes, now these attributes are copied automatically from the corresponding time coordinate. This might brake downstream code that was relying on these variables to be not decoded. By Fabien Maussion.
- Enhancements
- Ability to read and write consolidated metadata in zarr stores (:issue:`2558`). By Ryan Abernathey.
- :py:class:`CFTimeIndex` uses slicing for string indexing when possible (like :py:class:`pandas.DatetimeIndex`), which avoids unnecessary copies. By Stephan Hoyer
- Enable passing rasterio.io.DatasetReader or rasterio.vrt.WarpedVRT to open_rasterio instead of file path string. Allows for in-memory reprojection, see (:issue:`2588`). By Scott Henderson.
- Like :py:class:`pandas.DatetimeIndex`, :py:class:`CFTimeIndex` now supports "dayofyear" and "dayofweek" accessors (:issue:`2597`). Note this requires a version of cftime greater than 1.0.2. By Spencer Clark.
- The option 'warn_for_unclosed_files' (False by default) has been added to allow users to enable a warning when files opened by xarray are deallocated but were not explicitly closed. This is mostly useful for debugging; we recommend enabling it in your test suites if you use xarray for IO. By Stephan Hoyer
- Support Dask HighLevelGraphs by Matthew Rocklin.
- :py:meth:`DataArray.resample` and :py:meth:`Dataset.resample` now supports the loffset kwarg just like Pandas. By Deepak Cherian
- Datasets are now guaranteed to have a 'source' encoding, so the source file name is always stored (:issue:`2550`). By Tom Nicholas.
- The apply methods for DatasetGroupBy, DataArrayGroupBy, DatasetResample and DataArrayResample now support passing positional arguments to the applied function as a tuple to the args argument. By Matti Eskelinen.
- 0d slices of ndarrays are now obtained directly through indexing, rather than extracting and wrapping a scalar, avoiding unnecessary copying. By Daniel Wennberg.
- Added support for fill_value with :py:meth:`~xarray.DataArray.shift` and :py:meth:`~xarray.Dataset.shift` By Maximilian Roos
- Bug fixes
- Ensure files are automatically closed, if possible, when no longer referenced by a Python variable (:issue:`2560`). By Stephan Hoyer
- Fixed possible race conditions when reading/writing to disk in parallel (:issue:`2595`). By Stephan Hoyer
- Fix h5netcdf saving scalars with filters or chunks (:issue:`2563`). By Martin Raspaud.
- Fix parsing of _Unsigned attribute set by OPENDAP servers. (:issue:`2583`). By Deepak Cherian
- Fix failure in time encoding when exporting to netCDF with versions of pandas less than 0.21.1 (:issue:`2623`). By Spencer Clark.
- Fix MultiIndex selection to update label and level (:issue:`2619`). By Keisuke Fujii.

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