
Request 672547 accepted

Plasma 5.15.0 - maybe final tars

Wolfgang Bauer's avatar

"New feature release"
I thought 5.15.0 is a bugfix release over 5.14.90...

Fabian Vogt's avatar
author target maintainer

Yeah, but on its own it's a feature release - in the changlog both versions are used anyway.

Wolfgang Bauer's avatar

That's how I see it too, but last time in SR#640136 you insisted it was a bugfix release... :-/

Anyway, doesn't matter much to me, I just think we should decide on a way and stay consistent then.

Wolfgang Bauer's avatar

PS: Maybe it would be better to use "New beta release" for 5.x.90 then instead of "New feature release"?

Wolfgang Bauer's avatar

Looks good to me otherwise.

Request History
Fabian Vogt's avatar

Vogtinator created request

Plasma 5.15.0 - maybe final tars

Fabian Vogt's avatar

Vogtinator accepted request

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