
Request 679215 superseded

- Update to version 5.0.20190224
+ use HDR_ROOTNAME rather than PACKAGE in top-level makefile, to
simplify building cdk and cdkw packages with non-conflicting paths.
+ add "check" rule to top-level makefile, for testing Arch Linux
+ modify test-package for RPMs to work with SUSE and Mageia.
- Enable wide version of libcdk(w)
- Enable ABI soname of the shared libraries
+ Somehow strange ABI 6.2.4 but RELEASE version is still 5.0

- Update to version 5.0.20190220
* 2019/02/20
+ updated rpm spec-file, for test-builds.
+ added pkgsrc files, for test-builds.
+ updated FreeBSD port-files, for test-builds.
+ add getCdkTitle, which uses new display encoding "<#10>" for newline
in the example which demonstrates it, mentry_ex2 (prompted by
discussion with Stéphane Goujet).
+ fix similar memory leaks in setCDKRadioItems and setCDKSelectionItems
+ fix memory leak in setCDKScrollItems (report by Stéphane Goujet).
+ make functionKey parameter to getchCDKObject optional
(suggested by Stéphane Goujet).
+ modify test-packages to adjust includes in cdk.h when using test
package for ncurses6 which would confuse test-package for cdk-perl.
+ change shlib-version in test-package to "abi", for better
compatibility with the test-package for cdk-perl.
+ add manpage for cdk5-config
+ documentation improvements (report by Stéphane Goujet).
+ add check in drawCDKScrollCurrent() in case the list is not
initialized (report by Stéphane Goujet).


Dominique Leuenberger's avatar
+%global         root        %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-store
+rm -rf %{root}

That's about the same as wiping the buildroot during the prep phase, which must not be done anymore. This can have very bad side effects when building with rpmbuild. Why would you need something like that?

Dr. Werner Fink's avatar

The temporary root is used for storing result in build section ... the rm -rf was simply there to run within the same chroot build environment (could be removed now)

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

I see -t hat was for debugging purpose for you in this case. Please remove it

Request History
Dr. Werner Fink's avatar

WernerFink created request

- Update to version 5.0.20190224
+ use HDR_ROOTNAME rather than PACKAGE in top-level makefile, to
simplify building cdk and cdkw packages with non-conflicting paths.
+ add "check" rule to top-level makefile, for testing Arch Linux
+ modify test-package for RPMs to work with SUSE and Mageia.
- Enable wide version of libcdk(w)
- Enable ABI soname of the shared libraries
+ Somehow strange ABI 6.2.4 but RELEASE version is still 5.0

- Update to version 5.0.20190220
* 2019/02/20
+ updated rpm spec-file, for test-builds.
+ added pkgsrc files, for test-builds.
+ updated FreeBSD port-files, for test-builds.
+ add getCdkTitle, which uses new display encoding "<#10>" for newline
in the example which demonstrates it, mentry_ex2 (prompted by
discussion with Stéphane Goujet).
+ fix similar memory leaks in setCDKRadioItems and setCDKSelectionItems
+ fix memory leak in setCDKScrollItems (report by Stéphane Goujet).
+ make functionKey parameter to getchCDKObject optional
(suggested by Stéphane Goujet).
+ modify test-packages to adjust includes in cdk.h when using test
package for ncurses6 which would confuse test-package for cdk-perl.
+ change shlib-version in test-package to "abi", for better
compatibility with the test-package for cdk-perl.
+ add manpage for cdk5-config
+ documentation improvements (report by Stéphane Goujet).
+ add check in drawCDKScrollCurrent() in case the list is not
initialized (report by Stéphane Goujet).

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto added opensuse-review-team as a reviewer

Please review sources

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto added repo-checker as a reviewer

Please review build success

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto accepted review

Check script succeeded

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar_suse added openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:8 as a reviewer

Being evaluated by staging project "openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:8"

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar_suse accepted review

Picked openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:8

Repo Checker's avatar

repo-checker accepted review

cycle and install check passed

Dr. Werner Fink's avatar

WernerFink superseded request

superseded by 679736

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