
Request 687599 accepted

- update to version 0.8.11
- Added:
- New ``xonsh.color_tools.short_to_ints()`` function for directly
converting a short (0 - 256) color into a 3-tuple of ints
represeting its RGB value.
- New ``xonsh.ansi_colors.ansi_reverse_style()`` function for
converting a mapping of color names to ANSI escape codes into
a mapping from escape codes into color names. This is not a
round-trippable operation.
- New ``xonsh.ansi_colors.ansi_color_escape_code_to_name()`` function
for converting an ANSI color escape code into the closest xonsh
color name for a given style.
- New ``xonsh.events.EventManager.exists()`` method enables the checking
of whether events actually exist with out making the event if it
doesn't exist.
- New command-specific event categories called ``on_pre_spec_run_``
and ``on_post_spec_run_`` will be fired before and after
``SubpocSpec.run()`` is called. This allows for command specific
events to be executed. For example, ``on_pre_spec_run_ls`` would
be run prior to an invocation of ``ls``.
- New ``xonsh.environ.LsColors`` class for managing the ``$LS_COLORS``
environment variable. This ensures that the ``ls`` command respects the
``$XONSH_COLOR_STYLE`` setting. An instance of this class is added to the
environment when either the ``$LS_COLORS`` class is first accessed or
the ``ls`` command is executed.
- The ``on_pre_spec_run_ls`` event is initialized with a default handler
that ensures that ``$LS_COLORS`` is set in the actual environment prior
to running an ``ls`` command.
- New ``xonsh.tools.detype()`` function that simply calls an objects own
``detype()`` method in order to detype it.

Request History
Tomáš Chvátal's avatar

scarabeus_iv created request

- update to version 0.8.11
- Added:
- New ``xonsh.color_tools.short_to_ints()`` function for directly
converting a short (0 - 256) color into a 3-tuple of ints
represeting its RGB value.
- New ``xonsh.ansi_colors.ansi_reverse_style()`` function for
converting a mapping of color names to ANSI escape codes into
a mapping from escape codes into color names. This is not a
round-trippable operation.
- New ``xonsh.ansi_colors.ansi_color_escape_code_to_name()`` function
for converting an ANSI color escape code into the closest xonsh
color name for a given style.
- New ``xonsh.events.EventManager.exists()`` method enables the checking
of whether events actually exist with out making the event if it
doesn't exist.
- New command-specific event categories called ``on_pre_spec_run_``
and ``on_post_spec_run_`` will be fired before and after
``SubpocSpec.run()`` is called. This allows for command specific
events to be executed. For example, ``on_pre_spec_run_ls`` would
be run prior to an invocation of ``ls``.
- New ``xonsh.environ.LsColors`` class for managing the ``$LS_COLORS``
environment variable. This ensures that the ``ls`` command respects the
``$XONSH_COLOR_STYLE`` setting. An instance of this class is added to the
environment when either the ``$LS_COLORS`` class is first accessed or
the ``ls`` command is executed.
- The ``on_pre_spec_run_ls`` event is initialized with a default handler
that ensures that ``$LS_COLORS`` is set in the actual environment prior
to running an ``ls`` command.
- New ``xonsh.tools.detype()`` function that simply calls an objects own
``detype()`` method in order to detype it.

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