
Request 690719 accepted

- update to 4.1.12:
* Improvements
- Provide CPU usage statistics per thread (worker & distributor).
- Use a bounded load-balancing algo to distribute queries.
- Implement a configurable ECS cache limit so responses with an
ECS scope more specific than a certain threshold and a TTL
smaller than a specific threshold are not inserted into the
records cache at all.
* Bug Fixes
- Correctly interpret an empty AXFR response to an IXFR query.
- update to 4.1.11:
* Improvements
- Add an option to export only responses over protobuf to the
Lua protobufServer() directive.
- Reduce systemcall usage in protobuf logging. (See #7428.)

Request History
Michael Ströder's avatar

stroeder created request

- update to 4.1.12:
* Improvements
- Provide CPU usage statistics per thread (worker & distributor).
- Use a bounded load-balancing algo to distribute queries.
- Implement a configurable ECS cache limit so responses with an
ECS scope more specific than a certain threshold and a TTL
smaller than a specific threshold are not inserted into the
records cache at all.
* Bug Fixes
- Correctly interpret an empty AXFR response to an IXFR query.
- update to 4.1.11:
* Improvements
- Add an option to export only responses over protobuf to the
Lua protobufServer() directive.
- Reduce systemcall usage in protobuf logging. (See #7428.)

Adam Majer's avatar

adamm accepted request

Thank you kind contributor

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