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Request 697036 accepted

- Update to version 19.04.3:
+ wxMaxima now informs maxima which front-end is in use.

- update to version 19.04.2:
+ Corrected the size of error messages
+ A "Copy to mathlab"-feature.
+ Maxima now delays interpreting the data from maxima until it encounters
+ a newline or an Timer expires.
+ EMF output no no more causes crashes and strange behaviour.
+ RTF output should now work again
+ entermatrix() now works again.
From 19.04.1:
+ Corrected the size of error messages.
From 19.04.0:
+ The cursor width now is taken from the current screen
+ Autocompletion sometimes cleared the result after inputting it
+ Added more commands to autocompletion
+ Spanish and italian translation updates
+ We no more need to re-implement maxima's load() routine.
+ Instead we call the original one now.
+ Animations now on load remember which slide they stopped at.
+ A more error-proof language selection.
+ If the system looks like it uses UTF8 by default the locale name
+ that is passed to maxima now ends in ".UTF8" which should resolve
+ the "setting locale failed" errors from maxima.
+ Corrected the initial size of error messages.
+ Many additional bug fixes
+ Code cleanups

Request History
Tomáš Chvátal's avatar

scarabeus_iv created request

- Update to version 19.04.3:
+ wxMaxima now informs maxima which front-end is in use.

- update to version 19.04.2:
+ Corrected the size of error messages
+ A "Copy to mathlab"-feature.
+ Maxima now delays interpreting the data from maxima until it encounters
+ a newline or an Timer expires.
+ EMF output no no more causes crashes and strange behaviour.
+ RTF output should now work again
+ entermatrix() now works again.
From 19.04.1:
+ Corrected the size of error messages.
From 19.04.0:
+ The cursor width now is taken from the current screen
+ Autocompletion sometimes cleared the result after inputting it
+ Added more commands to autocompletion
+ Spanish and italian translation updates
+ We no more need to re-implement maxima's load() routine.
+ Instead we call the original one now.
+ Animations now on load remember which slide they stopped at.
+ A more error-proof language selection.
+ If the system looks like it uses UTF8 by default the locale name
+ that is passed to maxima now ends in ".UTF8" which should resolve
+ the "setting locale failed" errors from maxima.
+ Corrected the initial size of error messages.
+ Many additional bug fixes
+ Code cleanups

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licensedigger accepted review


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factory-auto accepted review

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Jan Engelhardt's avatar

jengelh accepted review

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staging-bot added as a reviewer

Being evaluated by staging project "openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:101"

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Picked openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:101

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Yuchen Lin's avatar

maxlin_factory accepted request

Accept to openSUSE:Factory

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