
Request 698280 accepted

- Upgrade to 0.33.0:
- eb4525c - Stop pretending to support Python 3.4.
- 6a89548 - Fix use of urlunsplit (25 hours ago)
- 0a5a356 - tests/test_ssl: use -ciphercuites for TLS1.3 cipher in
- 8a0a3e3 - There are apparently multiword CPP variables. Taking that
into account.
- Remove
as it included in the latest release.

Request History
Matej Cepl's avatar

mcepl created request

- Upgrade to 0.33.0:
- eb4525c - Stop pretending to support Python 3.4.
- 6a89548 - Fix use of urlunsplit (25 hours ago)
- 0a5a356 - tests/test_ssl: use -ciphercuites for TLS1.3 cipher in
- 8a0a3e3 - There are apparently multiword CPP variables. Taking that
into account.
- Remove
as it included in the latest release.

Matej Cepl's avatar

mcepl accepted request

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