
Request 699583 superseded

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Richard Brown's avatar
reviewer source maintainer

Please can we stop with the insane changelogs

Please to make them comply with https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Creating_a_changes_file_(RPM)

Especially "The intent of this changelog is to summarize the most newsworthy items, distilled for an openSUSE user."

"Don't just copy what you find without reviewing yourself."

"Avoid and trim anything related to the build procedure of the package if it has no visible effect on the user. The software is already built by the time it reaches the user."

"You can use SCM commit messages, if they prove to be useful. If in doubt, don't."

"Be concise. Pick only the topmost interesting points: If you have over 30 lines of changelog, it is time to stop and refer the user to the other materials"

"Be concise (part 2). Summarize and generalize the points: Don't go too much into specifics of a modification — a suitably interested user can look for implementation details elsewhere."

And also, I would like to express my disappointment at the 5 minutes the maintainers of devel:kubic had to review this SR.

Request History
Flavio Castelli's avatar

flavio_castelli created request

Richard Brown's avatar

RBrownSUSE added RBrownSUSE as a reviewer

Changelogs out of policy

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto declined review

Output of check script:
Attention, README.packaging is not mentioned in spec files as source or patch.

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto declined request

Output of check script:
Attention, README.packaging is not mentioned in spec files as source or patch.

Stephan Factory Kulow's avatar

coolo-factory superseded request

superseded by 703668

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