
Request 700494 accepted

- Split shadow-login_defs.patch hunks to its logical components
* shadow-login_defs-unused-by-pam.patch
* shadow-login_defs-comments.patch
* shadow-login_defs-util-linux.patch
* shadow-login_defs-suse.patch
* Move appropriate hunks to chkname-regex.patch and
* Remove GROUPADD_CMD that is not supported (bsc#1121197#c14).
- Split getdef-new-defs.patch hunks to its logical components
* encryption_method_nis.patch
* chkname-regex.patch
* shadow-util-linux.patch
Add support for login: ALWAYS_SET_PATH and LOGIN_PLAIN_PROMPT.
* useradd-script.patch, userdel-script.patch
* Remove duplicated definitions of MOTD_FILE and ENV_PATH.
- Add shadow-login_defs-unused-check.sh to allow verification of
login.defs variable usage (bsc#1121197).
- Add virtual symbols for login.defs compatibility (bsc#1121197).

Request History
Stanislav Brabec's avatar

sbrabec created request

- Split shadow-login_defs.patch hunks to its logical components
* shadow-login_defs-unused-by-pam.patch
* shadow-login_defs-comments.patch
* shadow-login_defs-util-linux.patch
* shadow-login_defs-suse.patch
* Move appropriate hunks to chkname-regex.patch and
* Remove GROUPADD_CMD that is not supported (bsc#1121197#c14).
- Split getdef-new-defs.patch hunks to its logical components
* encryption_method_nis.patch
* chkname-regex.patch
* shadow-util-linux.patch
Add support for login: ALWAYS_SET_PATH and LOGIN_PLAIN_PROMPT.
* useradd-script.patch, userdel-script.patch
* Remove duplicated definitions of MOTD_FILE and ENV_PATH.
- Add shadow-login_defs-unused-check.sh to allow verification of
login.defs variable usage (bsc#1121197).
- Add virtual symbols for login.defs compatibility (bsc#1121197).

Michael Vetter's avatar

jubalh accepted request

Thanks @sbrabec! I'll accept this one in favour of 700054. Will ping Ludwig if he could rebase 700054 ontop of this.
@sbrabec should any of the patches be upstreamed to https://github.com/shadow-maint/shadow ? I'm going into holidays tomorrow, so not sure if I find the time today. But shadow plans a new release in the next few weeks.

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