
Request 700598 accepted

- fix dependencies for language packages
- fix building of qt4 and qt5 variant
Until 8.0.2 is out we are using a git tarball to get recent fixed.
For translation support a copy of alkimia 8.0.1 source tarball
is embedded.
- update to version 8.0.1 stable

Request History
Ralf Habacker's avatar

rhabacker created request

- fix dependencies for language packages
- fix building of qt4 and qt5 variant
Until 8.0.2 is out we are using a git tarball to get recent fixed.
For translation support a copy of alkimia 8.0.1 source tarball
is embedded.
- update to version 8.0.1 stable

Ralf Habacker's avatar

rhabacker accepted request

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