
Request 702956 accepted

- Drop python2 support
- Remove py34-no-singledispatch.patch
- Replace brotlipy dependency with Brotli
- Remove dependancies that are not needed to build.
- Update to v0.8.0
* Changes
+ Dropped Python 2 support. If you need it, use the older versions.
+ HTTPolice no longer requires six nor singledispatch.
+ HTTPolice now pulls in Google's Brotli instead of brotlipy,
but this is merely a packaging change; it can work with either.
+ Notices 1299 and 1300 are no longer reported on Alt-Svc.

Request History
Ethan Apodaca's avatar

eapodaca created request

- Drop python2 support
- Remove py34-no-singledispatch.patch
- Replace brotlipy dependency with Brotli
- Remove dependancies that are not needed to build.
- Update to v0.8.0
* Changes
+ Dropped Python 2 support. If you need it, use the older versions.
+ HTTPolice no longer requires six nor singledispatch.
+ HTTPolice now pulls in Google's Brotli instead of brotlipy,
but this is merely a packaging change; it can work with either.
+ Notices 1299 and 1300 are no longer reported on Alt-Svc.

Tomáš Chvátal's avatar

scarabeus_iv accepted request

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