
Request 704803 accepted

Make systemd service file optional instead of outright deleting it.
Other DMs in openSUSE also ship a .service file, opening up the possibility to use systemctl.
This new sub-package is optional and not installed by default.


Markus S's avatar
author source maintainer

Resubmit of SR 702465

Request History
Markus S's avatar

KAMiKAZOW created request

Make systemd service file optional instead of outright deleting it.
Other DMs in openSUSE also ship a .service file, opening up the possibility to use systemctl.
This new sub-package is optional and not installed by default.

GNOME Review Bot's avatar

gnome-review-bot accepted review

Check script succeeded

GNOME Review Bot's avatar

gnome-review-bot approved review

Check script succeeded

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar accepted request

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