
Request 711679 accepted

- Update to new upstream release version 2019.06.21
* [utils] Restrict parse_codecs and add theora as known vcodec (#21381)
* [youtube] Update signature function patterns (#21469, #21476)
* [youtube] Make --write-annotations non fatal (#21452)
* [sixplay] Add support for rtlmost.hu (#21405)
* [youtube] Hardcode codec metadata for av01 video only formats (#21381)
* [toutv] Update client key (#21370)
* [biqle] Add support for new embed domain
* [cbs] Improve DRM protected videos detection (#21339)
- Update to new upstream release version 2019.06.21
* [utils] Restrict parse_codecs and add theora as known vcodec (#21381)
* [youtube] Update signature function patterns (#21469, #21476)
* [youtube] Make --write-annotations non fatal (#21452)
* [sixplay] Add support for rtlmost.hu (#21405)
* [youtube] Hardcode codec metadata for av01 video only formats (#21381)
* [toutv] Update client key (#21370)
* [biqle] Add support for new embed domain
* [cbs] Improve DRM protected videos detection (#21339) (forwarded request 711658 from seb95passionlinux)

Request History
Jan Engelhardt's avatar

jengelh created request

- Update to new upstream release version 2019.06.21
* [utils] Restrict parse_codecs and add theora as known vcodec (#21381)
* [youtube] Update signature function patterns (#21469, #21476)
* [youtube] Make --write-annotations non fatal (#21452)
* [sixplay] Add support for rtlmost.hu (#21405)
* [youtube] Hardcode codec metadata for av01 video only formats (#21381)
* [toutv] Update client key (#21370)
* [biqle] Add support for new embed domain
* [cbs] Improve DRM protected videos detection (#21339)
- Update to new upstream release version 2019.06.21
* [utils] Restrict parse_codecs and add theora as known vcodec (#21381)
* [youtube] Update signature function patterns (#21469, #21476)
* [youtube] Make --write-annotations non fatal (#21452)
* [sixplay] Add support for rtlmost.hu (#21405)
* [youtube] Hardcode codec metadata for av01 video only formats (#21381)
* [toutv] Update client key (#21370)
* [biqle] Add support for new embed domain
* [cbs] Improve DRM protected videos detection (#21339) (forwarded request 711658 from seb95passionlinux)

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Being evaluated by staging project "openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:28"

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Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar accepted review

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