
Request 714829 accepted

Enable tests on x86_64, enable additional exiv2 features


Dan Čermák's avatar

I've changed the SR so that the -static package is kept. Note that the build failure on aarch64 is due to a cmake issue (and cmake hasn't been rebuild for Factory:ARM yet), it should sort itself out https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/openSUSE:Factory:ARM/cmake is green again.

Dirk Mueller's avatar

Agreed with gladiac. Not sure why this is done or what the purpose of the bundled() provides is?

Dan Čermák's avatar

It is intended for exactly this purpose, so that one does not have to create an extra package that can be installed: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Bundled_Libraries?rd=Packaging:Bundled_Libraries#Requirement_if_you_bundle

Since our guidelines state something else, I'm going to change it back.

Request History
Dan Čermák's avatar

dancermak created request

Enable tests on x86_64, enable additional exiv2 features

Dirk Mueller's avatar

dirkmueller accepted request

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