
Request 718317 accepted

- shadow-login_defs-suse.patch: Set ALWAYS_SET_PATH default to
"yes" (bsc#353876#c7).
And fix patch name in older changes entry:
* shadow-util-linux.patch


Stanislav Brabec's avatar

boo#353876 is not accessible to public. Here is a short summary. ALWAYS_SET_PATH is a new, more secure default for su. It prevents PATH injection into programs using su.

Request History
Stanislav Brabec's avatar

sbrabec created request

- shadow-login_defs-suse.patch: Set ALWAYS_SET_PATH default to
"yes" (bsc#353876#c7).
And fix patch name in older changes entry:
* shadow-util-linux.patch

Michael Vetter's avatar

jubalh accepted request

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