
Request 718987 accepted

- Update to version 1.3.0
+ bugfixes:
* [component: bokehjs] [widgets] Bokeh datepicker value format inconsistent
* [component: server] Bokeh charts load very slow with uncaught typeerror: in browser console
* [component: bokehjs] [widgets] Rangeslider stuck when modified by pressing the keyboard arrows
* [component: server] [bug] error in the bokeh --serve documentation
* [component: bokehjs] [widgets] [bug] datatable copy-paste doesn't work with 0s present in a row
* [component: bokehjs] [widgets] [bug] datatable copy-paste doesn't keep the order of rows after sorting
* [component: bokehjs] [widgets] [bug] datepicker displayed value is not updating
* [component: bokehjs] [performance] Inspection indices' filtering is very slow
* [component: bokehjs] [widgets] [bug] "cannot read property 'style' of null" javascript error when moving slider
* [component: bokehjs] [bug] typeerror after replacing tools on a toolbar
* [component: bokehjs] [bug] incompatible definitions of `vbar.width` in bokeh and bokehjs
* [component: docs] [bug] development guide missing `test` argument for conda install and pytest install failure on windows
* [component: server] [bug] double slash before prefix in autoreload.js
* Update docker to work with new conda and bokeh
+ features:
* [component: bokehjs] [widgets] File open dialog
* [API: models] [widgets] [feature request] option to collapse datatable rows
* [component: bokehjs] Make a bokeh textinput callback responsive as text is typed
* [component: bokehjs] Add hover support for patch, harea, and varea
* [component: bokehjs] [feature] implement hover anchor on more glyphs
* Let source.data accept dataframe
+ tasks:
* [component: examples] Geojsondatasource not bringing in all attributes
* [component: docs] [component: server] Document signed session usage
* [component: docs] Texturerepetition missing from docs and `all`
* [component: tests] Don't call show in tests
* [component: bokehjs] [component: build] Bump nwmatcher from 1.4.3 to 1.4.4 in /bokehjs
* [component: docs] Docs typo
* [component: docs] Documentation: duplicate $name description
* [component: docs] Fixed analysis
* [component: build] [task] add downstream tests for pandas-bokeh
* [component: build] Upload to s3 cdn in parallel
* [component: docs] [docs] developer notes rendered in live docs
* [component: docs] Typo/misspelling on mapping geo data page[bug]
* [component: build] Fix yamlloadwarning in deps.py
* Color regex needs raw string
* Use sampledata.bokeh.org cdn
* [component: docs] [docs] update links to bokehplots.com, gitter and mailing-list
* [component: build] Exclude landing-2.0 issues from changelog for now
* [component: bokehjs] [widgets] [feature] extend fileinput to return filename and make output clearer
* [component: docs] Docs: update documentation urls in readme
* [component: tests] Update dask test location
* [component: build] [component: docs] Remove dev build installation instructions

Request History
Todd R's avatar

TheBlackCat created request

- Update to version 1.3.0
+ bugfixes:
* [component: bokehjs] [widgets] Bokeh datepicker value format inconsistent
* [component: server] Bokeh charts load very slow with uncaught typeerror: in browser console
* [component: bokehjs] [widgets] Rangeslider stuck when modified by pressing the keyboard arrows
* [component: server] [bug] error in the bokeh --serve documentation
* [component: bokehjs] [widgets] [bug] datatable copy-paste doesn't work with 0s present in a row
* [component: bokehjs] [widgets] [bug] datatable copy-paste doesn't keep the order of rows after sorting
* [component: bokehjs] [widgets] [bug] datepicker displayed value is not updating
* [component: bokehjs] [performance] Inspection indices' filtering is very slow
* [component: bokehjs] [widgets] [bug] "cannot read property 'style' of null" javascript error when moving slider
* [component: bokehjs] [bug] typeerror after replacing tools on a toolbar
* [component: bokehjs] [bug] incompatible definitions of `vbar.width` in bokeh and bokehjs
* [component: docs] [bug] development guide missing `test` argument for conda install and pytest install failure on windows
* [component: server] [bug] double slash before prefix in autoreload.js
* Update docker to work with new conda and bokeh
+ features:
* [component: bokehjs] [widgets] File open dialog
* [API: models] [widgets] [feature request] option to collapse datatable rows
* [component: bokehjs] Make a bokeh textinput callback responsive as text is typed
* [component: bokehjs] Add hover support for patch, harea, and varea
* [component: bokehjs] [feature] implement hover anchor on more glyphs
* Let source.data accept dataframe
+ tasks:
* [component: examples] Geojsondatasource not bringing in all attributes
* [component: docs] [component: server] Document signed session usage
* [component: docs] Texturerepetition missing from docs and `all`
* [component: tests] Don't call show in tests
* [component: bokehjs] [component: build] Bump nwmatcher from 1.4.3 to 1.4.4 in /bokehjs
* [component: docs] Docs typo
* [component: docs] Documentation: duplicate $name description
* [component: docs] Fixed analysis
* [component: build] [task] add downstream tests for pandas-bokeh
* [component: build] Upload to s3 cdn in parallel
* [component: docs] [docs] developer notes rendered in live docs
* [component: docs] Typo/misspelling on mapping geo data page[bug]
* [component: build] Fix yamlloadwarning in deps.py
* Color regex needs raw string
* Use sampledata.bokeh.org cdn
* [component: docs] [docs] update links to bokehplots.com, gitter and mailing-list
* [component: build] Exclude landing-2.0 issues from changelog for now
* [component: bokehjs] [widgets] [feature] extend fileinput to return filename and make output clearer
* [component: docs] Docs: update documentation urls in readme
* [component: tests] Update dask test location
* [component: build] [component: docs] Remove dev build installation instructions

Todd R's avatar

TheBlackCat accepted request

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