
Request 719010 accepted

- Fix incorrect variable name in usermod
- shadow-login_defs-comments.patch:
* Drop SHA_CRYPT_*_ROUNDS that are in the upstream login.defs.
* Add missing LASTLOG_UID_MAX.
* Refresh shadow-login_defs-suse.patch.
- Port shadow-login_defs-check.sh to match the current spec file
and login.defs.

Request History
Stanislav Brabec's avatar

sbrabec created request

- Fix incorrect variable name in usermod
- shadow-login_defs-comments.patch:
* Drop SHA_CRYPT_*_ROUNDS that are in the upstream login.defs.
* Add missing LASTLOG_UID_MAX.
* Refresh shadow-login_defs-suse.patch.
- Port shadow-login_defs-check.sh to match the current spec file
and login.defs.

Michael Vetter's avatar

jubalh accepted request

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