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Request 721791 accepted

- Introduce monit-bash-completion subpackage
- Update to version 5.26.0
New features:
* Allow any characters including space in a service name if the
name is enclosed in quotes.
* The load average test has a new option; per core to test load
average per CPU core. That is, loadavg/cores.
* Wrong free value (-1) on filesystem with missing free inodes
statistics (such as CEPH).
* Start delay is now in effect just on first Monit start after
machine reboot.
* TLSv1.3 support detection during compile time
- Update to version 5.25.3
* The HTTP protocol test may log SSL read errors and the
content/checksum test may fail when the server sends chunked
encoded response.
* $HOST doesn't work in the "name" part of the "from:" in
mail-format message.
* The "stop" action for "check program" had no effect if the
"every" statement was used to skip monitoring in some cycles.
* if the ping test target is a hostname which resolves to multiple
IPs, Monit didn't try the next IP if the first one failed and
returned error.
* Monit may crash if "unmonitor" or "stop" action was triggered
by some test
* Monit CLI status command doesn't work if only read-only
credentials is present in the 'set httpd' statement.
* Radius protocol test regression from 5.25.2.


Martin Hauke's avatar
author source maintainer target maintainer


Martin Hauke's avatar
author source maintainer target maintainer


Request History
Martin Hauke's avatar

mnhauke created request

- Introduce monit-bash-completion subpackage
- Update to version 5.26.0
New features:
* Allow any characters including space in a service name if the
name is enclosed in quotes.
* The load average test has a new option; per core to test load
average per CPU core. That is, loadavg/cores.
* Wrong free value (-1) on filesystem with missing free inodes
statistics (such as CEPH).
* Start delay is now in effect just on first Monit start after
machine reboot.
* TLSv1.3 support detection during compile time
- Update to version 5.25.3
* The HTTP protocol test may log SSL read errors and the
content/checksum test may fail when the server sends chunked
encoded response.
* $HOST doesn't work in the "name" part of the "from:" in
mail-format message.
* The "stop" action for "check program" had no effect if the
"every" statement was used to skip monitoring in some cycles.
* if the ping test target is a hostname which resolves to multiple
IPs, Monit didn't try the next IP if the first one failed and
returned error.
* Monit may crash if "unmonitor" or "stop" action was triggered
by some test
* Monit CLI status command doesn't work if only read-only
credentials is present in the 'set httpd' statement.
* Radius protocol test regression from 5.25.2.

Martin Hauke's avatar

mnhauke accepted request


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