
Request 729541 superseded

- Update to 3.0.5:
+ Create audio folder even it has many subpaths.

Request History
Aaron Stern's avatar

ukbeast89 created request

- Update to 3.0.5:
+ Create audio folder even it has many subpaths.

GNOME Review Bot's avatar

gnome-review-bot declined review

Output of check script:
ERROR: Failed to download "https://launchpadlibrarian.net/368233767/audio-recorder_3.0.5~disco.tar.gz"
Source URLs are not valid. Try "osc service localrun download_files".

GNOME Review Bot's avatar

gnome-review-bot declined request

Output of check script:
ERROR: Failed to download "https://launchpadlibrarian.net/368233767/audio-recorder_3.0.5~disco.tar.gz"
Source URLs are not valid. Try "osc service localrun download_files".

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