
Request 73289 accepted

- u_Fix-crash-in-swrast-when-setting-a-texture-for-a-pix.patch:
Update this patch closing a giant memory leak.

- Replace patches:
* add: u_GLX-SWrast-Make-GLX-with-SWrast-enabled-work-on-olde.patch
This patch falls back to indirect rendering if SWrast doesn't work
with older Xservers as no common configs/visuals can be found.
* remove: Mesa_indirect_old_xserver_compatibility.diff
this patch is superseded.
* rename: 0001-Fix-crash-in-swrast-when-setting-a-texture-for-a-pix.patch
to u_Fix-crash-in-swrast-when-setting-a-texture-for-a-pix.patch

- Remove: intel-add-gem-string.patch
This patch was barking up the wrong tree anyway.
As discussed with Martin Grässlin from the Kwin project
a patch from the upstream git master has been cherry-picked
and added to kdebase4-workspace which makes this patch unneciessary.
The patch to Kwin will become obsolete once Kwin is updated,
this will be noticed easily in kdebase4-workspace.

- Fix the driver directory search path in the spec file.
This makes dri_driver_dir.diff obsolete.

- Add packaging information for GLES2 devel files.

- Add GLES2 support.

Request History
Stefan Dirsch's avatar

sndirsch created request

- u_Fix-crash-in-swrast-when-setting-a-texture-for-a-pix.patch:
Update this patch closing a giant memory leak.

- Replace patches:
* add: u_GLX-SWrast-Make-GLX-with-SWrast-enabled-work-on-olde.patch
This patch falls back to indirect rendering if SWrast doesn't work
with older Xservers as no common configs/visuals can be found.
* remove: Mesa_indirect_old_xserver_compatibility.diff
this patch is superseded.
* rename: 0001-Fix-crash-in-swrast-when-setting-a-texture-for-a-pix.patch
to u_Fix-crash-in-swrast-when-setting-a-texture-for-a-pix.patch

- Remove: intel-add-gem-string.patch
This patch was barking up the wrong tree anyway.
As discussed with Martin Grässlin from the Kwin project
a patch from the upstream git master has been cherry-picked
and added to kdebase4-workspace which makes this patch unneciessary.
The patch to Kwin will become obsolete once Kwin is updated,
this will be noticed easily in kdebase4-workspace.

- Fix the driver directory search path in the spec file.
This makes dri_driver_dir.diff obsolete.

- Add packaging information for GLES2 devel files.

- Add GLES2 support.

Stephan Kulow's avatar

coolo approved review

Builds for repo openSUSE_Factory

Output of check script (non-fatal):
- package has baselibs.conf: (unchanged)

Sascha Peilicke's avatar

saschpe accepted request

Accepted submit request 73289 from user coolo

Saul Goodman's avatar

licensedigger accepted review

{"approve": "license and version number unchanged: 7.10.2"}

Stephan Kulow's avatar

coolo accepted review

Builds for repo openSUSE_Factory

Output of check script (non-fatal):
- package has baselibs.conf: (unchanged)

openSUSE Build Service is sponsored by