
Request 738828 accepted

- Remove function 'send_email' (bsc#1154007, CVE-2017-18638)
+ Added CVE-2017-18638.patch

Or, you could ignore this SR, and just wait for 1.1.6 to be
released and update to that instead (see https://github.com/graphite-project/graphite-web/issues/2008#issuecomment-541434042)

Request History
Tim Serong's avatar

tserong created request

- Remove function 'send_email' (bsc#1154007, CVE-2017-18638)
+ Added CVE-2017-18638.patch

Or, you could ignore this SR, and just wait for 1.1.6 to be
released and update to that instead (see https://github.com/graphite-project/graphite-web/issues/2008#issuecomment-541434042)

Eric Schirra's avatar

ecsos accepted request

Thank you.

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