Request 738868 accepted
- Update to 0.21.16
* https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MusicPlayerDaemon/MPD/v0.21.16/NEWS
* fix build with iconv() instead of ICU
* queue
* fix relative destination offset when moving a range
* storage
* curl: request the "resourcetype" property to fix database update
* curl: URL-encode more paths
* curl: follow redirects for collections without trailing slash
* update
* fix crash when music_directory is not a directory
Request History
13ilya created request
- Update to 0.21.16
* https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MusicPlayerDaemon/MPD/v0.21.16/NEWS
* fix build with iconv() instead of ICU
* queue
* fix relative destination offset when moving a range
* storage
* curl: request the "resourcetype" property to fix database update
* curl: URL-encode more paths
* curl: follow redirects for collections without trailing slash
* update
* fix crash when music_directory is not a directory
13ilya accepted request