This request supersedes:
request 741443
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Request 742035 accepted
+x86_64 tests
- Created by jayvdb
- In state accepted
- Package maintainers: bnavigator and jayvdb
- Supersedes 741443
Hmm still the same question, why are tests only enabled on 32bit platforms and not on 64bit?
target maintainer
because somehow I re-submitted the old version of the project, v15 instead of v16 :/
it would be nice if OBS gave some sort of warning when that happened / was about to happen.
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So now my only question is if it is dead or alive... as this looks pretty tied to clang/llvm and last commit I see is from 2018 with quite lot of tickets (including those new ones from you...).
And one trivial comment; you declare skip_python2 but then have %ifpython2 conditionals in the preamble.
If your query is about support of more reason clang, the problem is , however it still works reasonably well with the openSUSE clang default version as seen by the tests. And is a reasonable drop-in replacement for the old ctypeslib. The number of open issues is irrelevant.
The python-clang project has a "last commit" which is even older ... should we delete it as dead? :P
The problem with Python 2 support of this library is only that the openSUSE python-clang package doesnt build Python 2. I kept the %oldpython because it is important that if anyone gets Python 2 working, they need to declare that conflict, otherwise a user may install this and clobber their existing ctypeslib and have difficulties getting the old one back again, especially if we then delete the :misc package). I expect it will get ripped out Jan 1, so it is just a precaution until then.
And one curious question: what is this package good for? Is it dependence of something?
It is a generator of ffi code. I need it to regenerate ffi bindings for different arch in other Python packages, because usually Python packages included generated bindings for the x86_64 library only, and they fail when the non-intel shared lib omits some symbols, or the symbols are different on 32 vs 64 bit.
@StevenK, @TheBlackCat, @alarrosa, @aplanas, @czerw, @dirkmueller, @glaubitz, @mcepl, @mimi_vx, @posophe, @rjschwei, @scarabeus_iv, @sleep_walker, @tbechtold: review reminder