
Request 745557 accepted

- Re-enable systemtap, and require systemtap-headers and
systemtap-dtrace, rather than systemtap-sdt-devel, to avoid build
cycle (boo#1145438).
- Own /usr/share/systemtap{|tapset} directories, since we no
longer have systemtap-sdt-devel in BuildRequires.
- Disable lto if systemtap is enabled: build fails otherwise.

Request History
Michael Gorse's avatar

mgorse created request

- Re-enable systemtap, and require systemtap-headers and
systemtap-dtrace, rather than systemtap-sdt-devel, to avoid build
cycle (boo#1145438).
- Own /usr/share/systemtap{|tapset} directories, since we no
longer have systemtap-sdt-devel in BuildRequires.
- Disable lto if systemtap is enabled: build fails otherwise.

GNOME Review Bot's avatar

gnome-review-bot accepted review

Check script succeeded

GNOME Review Bot's avatar

gnome-review-bot approved review

Check script succeeded

Bjørn Lie's avatar

iznogood accepted request


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