
Request 74618 accepted

- Change files in package, some should move to devel subpackage and libibus package

- Fix xim.d locale directories of ja and ko
- Add xim.d selections for more locales to replace with SCIM

- Add provides tag for supported locales (ja, ko, zh)
- Add proper supplements tags to gtk immodule packages

- Update to ibus 1.3.9
- Set priority to 40, if we want to use ibus as default input method,
better use a lower priority, so if any other input method framework
installed, system can use other input method instead.
- Update README
- Remove kimpanel script from start up script
- Add gtk3 immodule

Request History
Takashi Iwai's avatar

tiwai created request

- Change files in package, some should move to devel subpackage and libibus package

- Fix xim.d locale directories of ja and ko
- Add xim.d selections for more locales to replace with SCIM

- Add provides tag for supported locales (ja, ko, zh)
- Add proper supplements tags to gtk immodule packages

- Update to ibus 1.3.9
- Set priority to 40, if we want to use ibus as default input method,
better use a lower priority, so if any other input method framework
installed, system can use other input method instead.
- Update README
- Remove kimpanel script from start up script
- Add gtk3 immodule

Stephan Kulow's avatar

coolo approved review

Builds for repo openSUSE_Factory

Output of check script (non-fatal):
- package has baselibs.conf: (new or modified)
###ASK ibus/baselibs.conf
Attention, ibus-disable-introspect.patch is not mentioned in spec files as source or patch.
###ASK ibus/ibus-disable-introspect.patch
Attention, ibus-disable-portability-check.patch is not mentioned in spec files as source or patch.
###ASK ibus/ibus-disable-portability-check.patch
(W) ibus.spec: patch 1 ibus-disable-portability-check.patch is commented out
(W) ibus.spec: patch 2 ibus-disable-introspect.patch is commented out

Sascha Peilicke's avatar

saschpe accepted request

Accepted submit request 74618 from user coolo

Saul Goodman's avatar

licensedigger accepted review

{"approve": "preliminary, version number changed"}

Stephan Kulow's avatar

coolo accepted review

Builds for repo openSUSE_Factory

Output of check script (non-fatal):
- package has baselibs.conf: (new or modified)
###ASK ibus/baselibs.conf
Attention, ibus-disable-introspect.patch is not mentioned in spec files as source or patch.
###ASK ibus/ibus-disable-introspect.patch
Attention, ibus-disable-portability-check.patch is not mentioned in spec files as source or patch.
###ASK ibus/ibus-disable-portability-check.patch
(W) ibus.spec: patch 1 ibus-disable-portability-check.patch is commented out
(W) ibus.spec: patch 2 ibus-disable-introspect.patch is commented out

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