
Request 749012 accepted

Note that this also updates the version of libopeniscsiusr,
since the version numbers of it and open-iscsi are
kept in sync. Lastly, the libopeniscsiusr sub-package
updates the library version from 0_2_0 to 0_2_1.
Also, updated the Summary lines in the spec file that
started with "iSCSI ...", since rpmlint didn't like
them starting with a non-capital letter.

Request History
Lee Duncan's avatar

lee_duncan created request

Note that this also updates the version of libopeniscsiusr,
since the version numbers of it and open-iscsi are
kept in sync. Lastly, the libopeniscsiusr sub-package
updates the library version from 0_2_0 to 0_2_1.
Also, updated the Summary lines in the spec file that
started with "iSCSI ...", since rpmlint didn't like
them starting with a non-capital letter.

Lee Duncan's avatar

lee_duncan accepted request

I believe I addressed the proper issues.

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