
Request 749803 accepted

- Update to version networking-cisco-6.1.1.dev65:
* Nexus: Add CA Bundle path to https doc
* Improve Nexus Ironic related doc & logs
* Upgrade release notes to include Tripleo/puppet
* Fix socket not closed errors in unit test logs
* Add release note about adding support for Rocky OpenStack
* Update publish-openstack-python-branch-tarball job
* Remove MultiConfigParser from SAF application
* More fixes for networking\_cisco rocky support
* Remove MultiConfigParser from the device manger config loader
* Ensure CFG agent is started after neutron config is written
* Removed older version of python added 3.5
* Begin process of supporting neutron Rocky
* Typo in tar command in doc install guide
* Add cisco providernet extension to Nexus doc
* Add missing policy to fix stable/queens unit tests
* Pin stestr version (1.1.0) for Mitaka
* Fix places in ucsm network driver using .ucsm instead of .ucsms
* Fix doc build under python3
* Fix mitaka bug with NeutronWorker missing parameter
* Eliminate 30 sec delay for Nexus replay thread
* Fix foreign key constraint violation while creating primary key with subnet\_id
* Put upper constraint on ncclient version to prevent breakages
* Improvements to the networking-cisco zuul jobs
* Remove deprecated host/interface map config
* Include device manager configuration file when starting config agent
* Fix pep8 and other tox environments locally
* Add rocky to CI
* Add bandit to tox and resolve Nexus SA errors
* Deprecate old ML2 Nexus/UCSM documentation file

Request History
Guang Yee's avatar

yeey created request

- Update to version networking-cisco-6.1.1.dev65:
* Nexus: Add CA Bundle path to https doc
* Improve Nexus Ironic related doc & logs
* Upgrade release notes to include Tripleo/puppet
* Fix socket not closed errors in unit test logs
* Add release note about adding support for Rocky OpenStack
* Update publish-openstack-python-branch-tarball job
* Remove MultiConfigParser from SAF application
* More fixes for networking\_cisco rocky support
* Remove MultiConfigParser from the device manger config loader
* Ensure CFG agent is started after neutron config is written
* Removed older version of python added 3.5
* Begin process of supporting neutron Rocky
* Typo in tar command in doc install guide
* Add cisco providernet extension to Nexus doc
* Add missing policy to fix stable/queens unit tests
* Pin stestr version (1.1.0) for Mitaka
* Fix places in ucsm network driver using .ucsm instead of .ucsms
* Fix doc build under python3
* Fix mitaka bug with NeutronWorker missing parameter
* Eliminate 30 sec delay for Nexus replay thread
* Fix foreign key constraint violation while creating primary key with subnet\_id
* Put upper constraint on ncclient version to prevent breakages
* Improvements to the networking-cisco zuul jobs
* Remove deprecated host/interface map config
* Include device manager configuration file when starting config agent
* Fix pep8 and other tox environments locally
* Add rocky to CI
* Add bandit to tox and resolve Nexus SA errors
* Deprecate old ML2 Nexus/UCSM documentation file

Dirk Mueller's avatar

dirkmueller accepted request

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