
Request 750898 accepted

- Update to version 1.8.2
* Unbinding keys via config.bind(key, None) accidentally worked
in v1.7.0 but raises an exception in v1.8.0. It now works
again, but is deprecated and shows an error. Note that
:config-py-write did write such invalid lines before v1.8.0,
so existing config files might need adjustments.
* The readability-js userscript now handles encodings correctly
(which it didn't before for some websites).
* can now be used to paste text starting with a hyphen.
* Following hints via the number keypad now works properly again.
* Errors while reading the state file are now displayed instead
of causing a crash.
* Crash when using :debug-log-level without a console attached.
* Downloads are now hidden properly when the browser is in
fullscreen mode.
* Crash when setting colors.webpage.bg to an empty value with
* Crash when the history database file is not a proper sqlite

Request History
Mia Herkt's avatar

lachs0r created request

- Update to version 1.8.2
* Unbinding keys via config.bind(key, None) accidentally worked
in v1.7.0 but raises an exception in v1.8.0. It now works
again, but is deprecated and shows an error. Note that
:config-py-write did write such invalid lines before v1.8.0,
so existing config files might need adjustments.
* The readability-js userscript now handles encodings correctly
(which it didn't before for some websites).
* can now be used to paste text starting with a hyphen.
* Following hints via the number keypad now works properly again.
* Errors while reading the state file are now displayed instead
of causing a crash.
* Crash when using :debug-log-level without a console attached.
* Downloads are now hidden properly when the browser is in
fullscreen mode.
* Crash when setting colors.webpage.bg to an empty value with
* Crash when the history database file is not a proper sqlite

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto added opensuse-review-team as a reviewer

Please review sources

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto accepted review

Check script succeeded

Saul Goodman's avatar

licensedigger accepted review


Stephan Factory Kulow's avatar

coolo-factory added openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:28 as a reviewer

Being evaluated by staging project "openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:28"

Stephan Factory Kulow's avatar

coolo-factory accepted review

Picked "openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:28"

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar accepted review

Stephan Factory Kulow's avatar

coolo-factory added factory-staging as a reviewer

Being evaluated by group "factory-staging"

Stephan Factory Kulow's avatar

coolo-factory accepted review

Unstaged from project "openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:28"

Stephan Factory Kulow's avatar

coolo-factory accepted review

ready to accept

Stephan Factory Kulow's avatar

coolo-factory approved review

ready to accept

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar_suse accepted request

Accept to openSUSE:Factory

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