Request 751296 accepted
- Update to version 2.6.1:
* Documentation
+ stk_factorialdesign: Provide missing help text. (ticket #91)
+ Fix HTML doc (INDEX structure was broken).
- Update to version 2.6.0:
* Required Octave version
+ Required Octave version number has been raised to 3.8.
* Parameter estimation
+ stk_param_init: The syntax with an additional do_estim_lnv parameter
is now deprecated. Set model.lognoisevariance to NaN if you want an
initial estimate for the variance of the noise.
+ stk_param_init_lnv: Refuse noiseless models (error).
+ stk_model_gpposterior: Trigger parameter estimation when lognoisevariance
is NaN. In the (experimental) case where lognoisevariance is a noise
model object, parameter estimation is triggered as soon as at least one
of the optimizable parameters of the model is NaN. (ticket #93)
+ stk_param_relik: Return [] instead of NaN when the derivative with
respect to lnv is requested for a noiseless model.
+ stk_param_relik: Detect duplicated observation points automatically
and raise an error for noiseless models.
+ stk_param_getdefaultbounds: Estimation bounds for the regularity parameter
of the Matérn covariance function are now customizable through the options
nu_min_dimfun and nu_max_dimfun.
* Covariance functions
+ Deprecated: stk_noisecov.
* Models
+ stk_get_input_data, stk_get_output_data, stk_get_prior_model: New getters
for model properties, that replace get_input_data, get_output_data and
get_prior_model respectively (now deprecated).
+ stk_get_observation_variances: New getter, which returns the vector of
variances associated to the observations that have been used to build a model.
+ stk_gaussiannoise_, stk_gaussiannoise_het0: New classes representing Gaussian
noise models. Currently in experimental state, these two classes are merely a
proof-of-concept. Other noise model classes can be defined by subclassing
stk_gaussiannoise_. (ticket #38)
+ stk_example_misc05: Demonstrate the use of noise model objects to estimate
the dispersion parameter in an heteroscedatic case.
+ stk_simulate_noise: New function to simulate noise sample replicates.
* stk_dataframe and related classes
+ stk_dataframe: Accept char vectors (or strings) as colnames or rownames
argument when there is only one column or one row (ticket #92)
+ @stk_dataframe/sort: Argument dim can now be skipped, as in the base sort function.
+ @stk_dataframe/unique: Overload base function.
* Graphics
+ stk_plot1d: Do not create a legend systematically. (ticket #82)
+ stk_legend: New function to create a legend, using the graphical objects for
which a non-empty DisplayName has been provided.
+ stk_plot_shadedci: Change gray levels and improve legend.
* Miscellaneous
+ stk_options_set: Make it possible to set all options at once using an option
structure. Add help text.
+ stk_runtests: Return test results in a structure.
+ stk_sampling_nesteddesign: Fix help text.
- Created by StefanBruens
- In state accepted
Request History
StefanBruens created request
- Update to version 2.6.1:
* Documentation
+ stk_factorialdesign: Provide missing help text. (ticket #91)
+ Fix HTML doc (INDEX structure was broken).
- Update to version 2.6.0:
* Required Octave version
+ Required Octave version number has been raised to 3.8.
* Parameter estimation
+ stk_param_init: The syntax with an additional do_estim_lnv parameter
is now deprecated. Set model.lognoisevariance to NaN if you want an
initial estimate for the variance of the noise.
+ stk_param_init_lnv: Refuse noiseless models (error).
+ stk_model_gpposterior: Trigger parameter estimation when lognoisevariance
is NaN. In the (experimental) case where lognoisevariance is a noise
model object, parameter estimation is triggered as soon as at least one
of the optimizable parameters of the model is NaN. (ticket #93)
+ stk_param_relik: Return [] instead of NaN when the derivative with
respect to lnv is requested for a noiseless model.
+ stk_param_relik: Detect duplicated observation points automatically
and raise an error for noiseless models.
+ stk_param_getdefaultbounds: Estimation bounds for the regularity parameter
of the Matérn covariance function are now customizable through the options
nu_min_dimfun and nu_max_dimfun.
* Covariance functions
+ Deprecated: stk_noisecov.
* Models
+ stk_get_input_data, stk_get_output_data, stk_get_prior_model: New getters
for model properties, that replace get_input_data, get_output_data and
get_prior_model respectively (now deprecated).
+ stk_get_observation_variances: New getter, which returns the vector of
variances associated to the observations that have been used to build a model.
+ stk_gaussiannoise_, stk_gaussiannoise_het0: New classes representing Gaussian
noise models. Currently in experimental state, these two classes are merely a
proof-of-concept. Other noise model classes can be defined by subclassing
stk_gaussiannoise_. (ticket #38)
+ stk_example_misc05: Demonstrate the use of noise model objects to estimate
the dispersion parameter in an heteroscedatic case.
+ stk_simulate_noise: New function to simulate noise sample replicates.
* stk_dataframe and related classes
+ stk_dataframe: Accept char vectors (or strings) as colnames or rownames
argument when there is only one column or one row (ticket #92)
+ @stk_dataframe/sort: Argument dim can now be skipped, as in the base sort function.
+ @stk_dataframe/unique: Overload base function.
* Graphics
+ stk_plot1d: Do not create a legend systematically. (ticket #82)
+ stk_legend: New function to create a legend, using the graphical objects for
which a non-empty DisplayName has been provided.
+ stk_plot_shadedci: Change gray levels and improve legend.
* Miscellaneous
+ stk_options_set: Make it possible to set all options at once using an option
structure. Add help text.
+ stk_runtests: Return test results in a structure.
+ stk_sampling_nesteddesign: Fix help text.
StefanBruens accepted request