
Request 754461 superseded

Include missing entry for bugzilla and cve traces

Also removing a non ascii character from one previous line. This was causing
createrepo_c failures when tryin to publish the k8s package. Because of that
k8s package was not properly published to the repo despite having a successful

- Update to 1.16.2 included:
* fixes for bsc#1152861
* bump gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.4 (CVE-2019-11253)

* Change the seven blanks to ` {7}` in the regex, so it will be more readable.


Richard Brown's avatar

Um the Package was published just fine on openSUSE Tumbleweed - where does the createrepo issue happen?

Request History
David Cassany's avatar

dcassany created request

Include missing entry for bugzilla and cve traces

Also removing a non ascii character from one previous line. This was causing
createrepo_c failures when tryin to publish the k8s package. Because of that
k8s package was not properly published to the repo despite having a successful

- Update to 1.16.2 included:
* fixes for bsc#1152861
* bump gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.4 (CVE-2019-11253)

* Change the seven blanks to ` {7}` in the regex, so it will be more readable.

Richard Brown's avatar

RBrownSUSE superseded request

- Update to version 1.17.0:
* Refactor parsing logic for service IP and ranges, add tests
* Fix bug in apiserver service cluster cidr split
* Switch addon resizer to 1.8.7
* Deflake pod readiness e2e
* Add/Update CHANGELOG-1.17.md for v1.17.0-rc.2.
* Fix iscsi refcounter in the case of no Block iscsi volumes
* Ensure webhook backend requests are not artificially rate-limited
* Retain objects for a limited lifetime in the mutation cache detector by default
* Enable mutation detection
* Make cluster auto scaler use leases
* Bump Cluster Autoscaler version to 1.17.0
* fix: padded base64 encoded docker auth field
* apiextensions: filter required nullable to workaround kubectl validation
* update cadvisor dependency to v0.35.0
* Bumped the number of times a node tries to lookup itself
* Wait for PV to be available before creating PVCs in volume binding test
* increase pv controller resync period to try to deflake api update conflicts
* Fix GKE upgrade test.
* Use plugin name for filtering metrics
* Provided a mechanism to re-register hidden metrics.
* Deep copying EndpointSlices in reconciler before modifying them.
* Set node cidr mask size ipv4/ipv6 config
* Revert "kube-proxy: check KUBE-MARK-DROP"
* Add/Update CHANGELOG-1.17.md for v1.17.0-rc.1.
* Initialize FeatureGate map for KubeProxy config. #1929
* Fill in default node cidr mask size when dual stack is not enabled
* apiextensions: fixup go-openapi constructor invocations
* hack/pin-dependency.sh github.com/go-openapi/validate v0.19.5
* apiextensions: add items+type integration test

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