Request 757895 accepted
- Update to 0.21.17
* https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MusicPlayerDaemon/MPD/v0.21.17/NEWS
* protocol
* relax the ISO 8601 parser: allow omitting field separators,
the time of day and the "Z" suffix
* archive
* zzip: improve error reporting
* outputs
* jack: mark ports as terminal
* shout: declare metadata as UTF-8
* fix build failure with -Ddatabase=false
Request History
13ilya created request
- Update to 0.21.17
* https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MusicPlayerDaemon/MPD/v0.21.17/NEWS
* protocol
* relax the ISO 8601 parser: allow omitting field separators,
the time of day and the "Z" suffix
* archive
* zzip: improve error reporting
* outputs
* jack: mark ports as terminal
* shout: declare metadata as UTF-8
* fix build failure with -Ddatabase=false
13ilya accepted request