
Request 76227 accepted

- drop modules imtemplate and omtemplate, the 2 modules are base
templates for people who want to develop their own modules.

- enabled a few more modules which dont pull extra dependencies:
impstats, pmcisconames, pmaixforwardedfrom, pmsnare, pmrfc3164sd,
omruleset, mmsnmptrapd

- guard the file list entry for rsyslog.service with
if {with systemd}. Please keep the package working on older

- upstream asked to change the syntax in the default config files
to the new syntax:
old: *.* * # (write to all)
new: *.* :omusrmsg:*
old: *.* $channel
new: *.* :omfile:$channel
from what i can see we are only affected with:
old: *.emerg *
new: *.emerg :omusrmsg:*

- Updated to 5.8.3 [V5-stable] (forwarded request 76171 from darix)

Request History
Andreas Jaeger's avatar

a_jaeger created request

- drop modules imtemplate and omtemplate, the 2 modules are base
templates for people who want to develop their own modules.

- enabled a few more modules which dont pull extra dependencies:
impstats, pmcisconames, pmaixforwardedfrom, pmsnare, pmrfc3164sd,
omruleset, mmsnmptrapd

- guard the file list entry for rsyslog.service with
if {with systemd}. Please keep the package working on older

- upstream asked to change the syntax in the default config files
to the new syntax:
old: *.* * # (write to all)
new: *.* :omusrmsg:*
old: *.* $channel
new: *.* :omfile:$channel
from what i can see we are only affected with:
old: *.emerg *
new: *.emerg :omusrmsg:*

- Updated to 5.8.3 [V5-stable] (forwarded request 76171 from darix)

Stephan Kulow's avatar

coolo approved review

Builds for repo openSUSE_Factory

Sascha Peilicke's avatar

saschpe accepted request

Accepted submit request 76227 from user coolo

Saul Goodman's avatar

licensedigger accepted review

{"approve": "preliminary, version number changed"}

Stephan Kulow's avatar

coolo accepted review

Builds for repo openSUSE_Factory

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