
Request 763290 accepted

- Disable python extension by default for openSUSE >= 1550 as it
doesn't build against python3.
- Build PDF documentation for openSUSE > 1500 also; introduces
new BuildRequires: tex(etoc.sty), tex(hanging.sty),
tex(newunicodechar.sty), tex(stackengine.sty), tex(ulem.sty).
- Drop glucat-convert-demos-to-python3.patch: No longer needed
since PDF documentation builds with previous change; drop
libtool BuildRequires and don't run autoreconf before configure,
both of which were only needed for this patch.


Paul Leopardi's avatar

I will need to migrate Glucat/PyClical to Python 3. The Python/Cython code is quite extensive and (in my opinion) useful. I am currently using Kubuntu for development. Please let me know how I can test on OpenSUSE.

Atri Bhattacharya's avatar
author source maintainer target maintainer

Hi Paul, the %check section in the specfile already runs the tests. If you have a py3 compatible version, I can try building it in my home repo and doing the tests with pyclical enabled again.

Request History
Atri Bhattacharya's avatar

badshah400 created request

- Disable python extension by default for openSUSE >= 1550 as it
doesn't build against python3.
- Build PDF documentation for openSUSE > 1500 also; introduces
new BuildRequires: tex(etoc.sty), tex(hanging.sty),
tex(newunicodechar.sty), tex(stackengine.sty), tex(ulem.sty).
- Drop glucat-convert-demos-to-python3.patch: No longer needed
since PDF documentation builds with previous change; drop
libtool BuildRequires and don't run autoreconf before configure,
both of which were only needed for this patch.

Atri Bhattacharya's avatar

badshah400 accepted request

Pushing along for now.

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