
Request 768070 accepted

- Update to 6.0.3
* Dependency updates to fix startup issues on Windows platform
* Add support for nbconvert 6.x
* Creation of recent tab
- Use multibuild to separate out tests.
The tests have some heavy dependencies the main package doesn't.
- Drop documentation.
These are mostly a relic of when the tests needed to be in a
separate package, and since the docs are no longer versioned
upstream keeping them synced with the main package is difficult.

Request History
Todd R's avatar

TheBlackCat created request

- Update to 6.0.3
* Dependency updates to fix startup issues on Windows platform
* Add support for nbconvert 6.x
* Creation of recent tab
- Use multibuild to separate out tests.
The tests have some heavy dependencies the main package doesn't.
- Drop documentation.
These are mostly a relic of when the tests needed to be in a
separate package, and since the docs are no longer versioned
upstream keeping them synced with the main package is difficult.

Todd R's avatar

TheBlackCat accepted request

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