
Request 768718 accepted

- Correct name of the library package according to SLPP - the
current and older versions both packaged libqhull.so.7, but due
to the full version in the package name (libqhull7-7_3_2) it
was not considered an update of the old one (libqhull7-7_2_0).

Request History
Stefan Brüns's avatar

StefanBruens created request

- Correct name of the library package according to SLPP - the
current and older versions both packaged libqhull.so.7, but due
to the full version in the package name (libqhull7-7_3_2) it
was not considered an update of the old one (libqhull7-7_2_0).

Stefan Brüns's avatar

StefanBruens accepted request

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