Request 768856 accepted
- Update to 4.0.1
* Support for interactive legends
* Responsive chart width and height
* Bins responsive to selections
* New pivot transform
* New Regression transform
* New LOESS transform
* New density transform
* Image mark
* New default html renderer, directly compatible with Jupyter Notebook and
JupyterLab without the need for frontend extensions, as well as tools like
nbviewer and nbconvert, and related notebook environments such as Zeppelin,
Colab, Kaggle Kernels, and DataBricks.
* Support per-corner radius for bar marks
* Sort-by-field can now use the encoding name directly
* The rangeStep argument to :class:Scale and :meth:Chart.configure_scale is deprecated.
instead, use chart.properties(width={"step": rangeStep}) or
* align, center, spacing, and columns are no longer valid chart properties, but
are moved to the encoding classes to which they refer.
- Created by TheBlackCat
- In state accepted
Request History
TheBlackCat created request
- Update to 4.0.1
* Support for interactive legends
* Responsive chart width and height
* Bins responsive to selections
* New pivot transform
* New Regression transform
* New LOESS transform
* New density transform
* Image mark
* New default html renderer, directly compatible with Jupyter Notebook and
JupyterLab without the need for frontend extensions, as well as tools like
nbviewer and nbconvert, and related notebook environments such as Zeppelin,
Colab, Kaggle Kernels, and DataBricks.
* Support per-corner radius for bar marks
* Sort-by-field can now use the encoding name directly
* The rangeStep argument to :class:Scale and :meth:Chart.configure_scale is deprecated.
instead, use chart.properties(width={"step": rangeStep}) or
* align, center, spacing, and columns are no longer valid chart properties, but
are moved to the encoding classes to which they refer.
TheBlackCat accepted request