
Request 768898 accepted

- Update to version 1.1.0
+ Backwards Incompatible Changes
* The `sunpy.net.vso.vso.get_online_vso_url` function has been broken into two components, the new `sunpy.net.vso.vso.get_online_vso_url` function takes no arguments (it used to take three) and now only returns an online VSO mirror or None.
The construction of a `zeep.Client` object is now handled by `sunpy.net.vso.vso.build_client` which has a more flexible API for customising the `zeep.Client` interface.
* Importing `sunpy.timeseries.timeseriesbase` no longer automatically imports
* `NOAAIndicesTimeSeries.peek` now checks that the `type` argument is a
valid string, and raises a `ValueError` if it isn't.
* Observer-based coordinate frames (`~sunpy.coordinates.frames.Heliocentric` and `~sunpy.coordinates.frames.Helioprojective`) no longer assume a default observer (Earth) if no observer is specified. These frames can now be used with no observer specified, but most transformations cannot be performed for such frames. This removal of a default observer only affects `sunpy.coordinates`, and has no impact on the default observer in `sunpy.map`.
* The callback functions provided to
`~sunpy.visualization.animator.BaseFuncAnimator` ``button_func`` keyword
argument now take two positional arguments rather than one. The function
signature is now ``(animator, event)`` where the first arg is the animator
object, and the second is the matplotlib mouse event.
* The colormap stored in SunPy's Map subclasses (ie. ``map.plot_settings['cmap']``)
can now be colormap string instead of the full `matplotlib.colormap.Colormap`
object. To get the full `Colormap` object use the new attribute
* Fix a warning in `sunpy.map.GenericMap.rotate` where the truth value of an array
was being calculated. This changes the behaviour of
`~sunpy.map.GenericMap.rotate` when the ``angle=`` parameter is not an
`~astropy.units.Quantity` object to raise `TypeError` rather than `ValueError`.
+ Deprecations and Removals
* Removed the step of reparing images (replacing non-finite entries with local mean) before coaligning them. The user is expected to do this themselves before coaligning images. If NaNs/non-finite entries are present, a warning is thrown.
The function `sunpy.image.coalignment.repair_image_nonfinite` is deprecated.
* The method to convert a `~sunpy.coordinates.frames.Helioprojective` frame from 2D to 3D has been renamed from `~sunpy.coordinates.frames.Helioprojective.calculate_distance` to `~sunpy.coordinates.frames.Helioprojective.make_3d`. This method is not typically directly called by users.
* `sunpy.visualization.animator.ImageAnimatorWCS` is now deprecated in favour of
* ``sunpy.cm`` has been moved to `sunpy.visualization.colormaps` and will be
removed in a future version.
+ Features
* Add a new `sunpy.data.manager` and `sunpy.data.cache` for dealing with versioned remote data within functions.
Please see the `Remote Data Manager `__ guide.
* Added the coordinate frames `~sunpy.coordinates.frames.HeliocentricEarthEcliptic` (HEE), `~sunpy.coordinates.frames.GeocentricSolarEcliptic` (GSE), `~sunpy.coordinates.frames.HeliocentricInertial` (HCI), and `~sunpy.coordinates.frames.GeocentricEarthEquatorial` (GEI).
* Added SunPy Map support for GOES SUVI images.
* - Support APE14 for ``ImageAnimatorWCS`` in SunPy's visualization module
* Add ability to disable progressbars when dowloading files using `sunpy.net.helioviewer.py` and edited docstrings to mention this feature.
* Adds support for searching and downloading SUVI data.
* Log all VSO XML requests and responses to the SunPy logger at the ``DEBUG``
* Transformations between frames in `sunpy.coordinates` can now provide detailed debugging output. Set the `logging` level to ``DEBUG`` to enable this output.
* Added the `sunpy.coordinates.sun.carrington_rotation_time` function to
compute the time of a given Carrington rotation number.
* A new method has been added to remove columns from a
* Add `shape` property to TimeSeries.
* Added ASDF schemas for the new coordinate frames (`~sunpy.coordinates.frames.GeocentricEarthEquatorial`, `~sunpy.coordinates.frames.GeocentricSolarEcliptic`, `~sunpy.coordinates.frames.HeliocentricEarthEcliptic`, `~sunpy.coordinates.frames.HeliocentricInertial`). See the gallery for an example of using `asdf` to save and load a coordinate frame.
* `sunpy.visualization.animator.ArrayAnimatorWCS` was added which uses the WCS
object to get the coordinates of all axes, including the slider labels. It also provides the
ability to customise the plot by specifying arguments to
`~astropy.visualization.wcsaxes.WCSAxes` methods and supports animation of
WCS aware line plots with Astroy 4.0.
* The returned list of `~sunpy.map.Map` objects is now sorted by filename when
passing a directory or glob pattern to `~sunpy.map.MapFactory`.
* Single character wildcards and character ranges can now be passed as
glob patterns to `~sunpy.map.Map`.
* `~sunpy.map.Map` now accepts filenames and directories as `pathlib.Path`
* `~sunpy.map.GenericMap` objects now have a ``.cmap`` attribute, which returns the full `~matplotlib.colormap.Colormap`.
* `sunpy.io.write_file()` now accepts `~pathlib.Path` objects as filename inputs.
* `sunpy.map.make_fitswcs_header` now accepts a `tuple` representing the shape of an array as well as the actual array as the ``data`` argument.
* Made a couple of module imports lazy to reduce the import time of sunpy.map by
* `sunpy.map.GenericMap.wcs` now uses the full FITS header to construct the WCS.
This adds support for instruments with more complex projections, such as WISPR,
however does mean that Map will be more sensitive to incorrect or invalid FITS
headers. If you are using custom headers with SunPy Map you might encounter
issues relating to this change.
* `sunpy.visualization.animator.BaseFuncAnimator` now takes an optional
``slider_labels`` keyword argument which draws text labels in the center of the
* Added a more helpful error message when trying to load a file or directory
that doesn't exist with `Map`.
* Add ``__repr__`` for `~sunpy.map.MapSequence` objects so that users can view the
critical information of all the ``Map`` objects, in a concise manner.
+ Bug Fixes
* Fixed accuracy issues with the calculations of Carrington longitude (`~sunpy.coordinates.sun.L0`) and Carrington rotation number (`~sunpy.coordinates.sun.carrington_rotation_number`).
* Updated `sunpy.map.header_helper.make_fitswcs_header` to be more strict on the inputs it accepts.
* Fix the calculation of ``rsun_ref`` in `~sunpy.map.make_fitswcs_header` and and
ensure that the default reference pixel is indexed from 1.
* Fixed the missing transformation between two `~sunpy.coordinates.HeliographicCarrington` frames with different observation times.
* `sunpy.map.sources.AIAMap` and `sunpy.map.sources.HMIMap` will no longer assume
the existance of certain header keys.
* `sunpy.map.make_fitswcs_header` now supports specifying the map projection
rather than defaulting to ``TAN``.
* Fix the behaviour of
`sunpy.coordinates.frames.Helioprojective.calculate_distance` if the
representation isn't Spherical.
* Fixed a bug where the longitude of a coordinate would not wrap at the expected angle following a frame transformation.
* Fixed a bug where passing a time or time interval to the differential rotation function threw an error because the new observer was not in HGS.
* Fixed bug where `~sunpy.coordinates.ephemeris.get_horizons_coord` was unable to accept `~astropy.time.Time` arrays as input.
* Fix the ticks on the default heliographic grid overlay so they are not white
(and normally invisible) by default.
* Fixed a bug with `sunpy.net.hek.HEKClient` when the results returned were a mixed dataset.
* Fix `sunpy.physics.differential_rotation.differential_rotate` to rotate in the
correct direction and to account for the rotation of the heliographic
coordinate frame with time.
* Fixed a bug with the handling of changing observation times for transformations between `~astropy.coordinates.HCRS` and `~sunpy.coordinates.frames.HeliographicStonyhurst`, which also indirectly affected other transformations when changing observation times.
* Fixed all coordinate transformations to properly handle a change in observation time.
* Fixed the handling of coordinates with velocity information when transforming between Astropy frames and SunPy frames.
* Fixed `~sunpy.physics.solar_rotation.calculate_solar_rotate_shift` so that it does not calculate a shift between the reference layer and itself, which would sometimes incorrectly result in a shift of a pixel due to numerical precision.
* Stop crash when ``LineAnimator`` ``axes_ranges`` entry given as ``1D`` array when data is ``>1D``, i.e. as an independent axis.
* Fixed a `sunpy.coordinates` bug where a frame using the default observer of Earth could have its observer overwritten during a transformation.
* Fixed a bug where the transformation from `~sunpy.coordinates.frames.Helioprojective` to `~sunpy.coordinates.frames.Heliocentric` used the Sun-observer distance from the wrong frame when shifting the origin, and thus might not give the correct answer if the observer was not the same for the two frames.
* Fixed a bug with the transformations between `~sunpy.coordinates.frames.Heliocentric` and `~sunpy.coordinates.frames.HeliographicStonyhurst` when the frame observation time was not the same as the observer observation time. The most common way to encounter this bug was when transforming from `~sunpy.coordinates.frames.Helioprojective` to any non-observer-based frame while also changing the observation time.
* VSO client `fetch` should not download when `wait` keyword argument is specified.
* Fixed a bug with `~sunpy.coordinates.wcs_utils.solar_frame_to_wcs_mapping` that assumed that the supplied frame was a SunPy frame.
* Fixed bugs with `~sunpy.coordinates.wcs_utils.solar_frame_to_wcs_mapping` if the input frame does not include an observation time or an observer.
* `~sunpy.coordinates.utils.GreatArc` now accounts for the start and end points of the arc having different observers.
* Fixed situations where 2D coordinates provided to `~sunpy.coordinates.frames.HeliographicStonyhurst` and `~sunpy.coordinates.frames.HeliographicCarrington` were not converted to 3D as intended. Furthermore, the stored data will always be the post-conversion, 3D version.
* Fix off by one error in `sunpy.map.make_fitswcs_header` where when using the
default ``reference_pixel=None`` keyword argument the pixel coordinate of the
reference pixel was off by +1.
* Updated both GOES XRS and LYRA dataretriever clients to use `~sunpy.util.scraper.Scraper`, to make sure that files are actually on the servers being queried.
* Fixing the ordering of lon and lat inputs into make_fitswcs_header
* Updated the URL for Fermi spacecraft-pointing files to use an HTTPS connection to HEASARC.
* Fixed a bug where permission denied errors when downloading files are very verbose by adding an error message in `~sunpy.net.fido_factory.UnifiedDownloaderFactory.fetch`.
* Fixed a malformed call to `astropy.time.Time` in a test, which resulted in an incorrect time scale (UTC instead of TT).
* Fix incorrect files being included in the tarball, and docs missing from the
* Fixed a bug where clipping behavior had been enabled by default in the plotting normalizers for ``Map`` objects. Clipping needs to be disabled to make use of the over/under/masked colors in the colormap.
* Fix a bug with observer based frames that prevented a coordinate with an array of obstimes being transformed to other frames.
* `sunpy.map.GenericMap` will no longer raise a warning if the posisition of the
observer is not known for frames that don't need an observer, i.e. heliographic
* Apply `os.path.expanduser` to `sunpy.map.MapFactory` input
before passing to `glob.glob`
* Fix multiple instances of `sunpy.map.sources` assuming the type of FITS Header
* Fixed a bug with `~sunpy.coordinates.NorthOffsetFrame` where non-spherical representations for the north pole produced an error.
* Fixed ``map.__repr__`` when the coordinate system information contained in the
``CUNIT1/2`` metadata is not set to a known value.
* Fixed bugs with some coordinate transformations when ``obstime`` is ``None`` on the destination frame but can be assumed to be the same as the ``obstime`` of the source frame.
* Updated `sunpy.map.mapsequence.MapSequence` so that calling ``_derotate()`` raises ``NotImplementedError``.
Added associated tests.
* Fixed pandas plotting registration in `sunpy.timeseries`.
* Correctly catch and emit a warning when converting a map metadata to a FITS
header and it contains a keyword with non-ascii characters.
+ Improved Documentation
* Clean up the docstring for `sunpy.physics.differential_rotation.solar_rotate_coordinate` to make the example clearer.
* Added new gallery examples and cleaned up various gallery examples.
* Cleaned and expanded upon the docstrings for each Fido Client.
* Added clarifying hyperlinks to the gallery example `getting_lasco_observer_location` to link to `astroquery` docs page.
* Added more details to docstrings in `sunpy.coordinates.frames`.
* Added a link to package maintainer list in the API Stability page.
* Improved the contributing guide by updating commands and highlighting text.
* Removing `.fits` from the end of path kwargs in `sunpy.net.FIDO.fetch` docs to change output file extension from `{file}.fits.fits` to `{file}.fits`.
* A new example gallery section "Using SunPy with Other Packages" has been added,
which contains a set of new examples using the `reproject
`__ with solar data.
* Added a table of supported coordinate systems and other miscellaneous improvements to the :ref:`coordinates documentation `.
* Clarified the meaning of :attr:`GenericMap.dsun`.
* Fixed the plots with multiple subplots in the ``Map`` user guide to properly use `~astropy.visualization.wcsaxes` and to be appropriately sized.
* Fixed various issues with the gallery example of saving/loading coordinates using `asdf`.
* Added ``sunpy.__citation__`` with a BibTex entry for citing sunpy.
* Added an example showing how to display two maps and fade between them.
* Clarified the meaning of some `GenericMap` observer properties.
* Added inherited members of `sunpy.map` classes to the docs.
* Fixed documentation of `sunpy.database.Database.search` by adding ``Returns`` docstring.
* Updated the docstring for the parameter ``sortby`` in `~sunpy.map.MapSequence` with the default value, valid value and how to disable sorting.
* Updated the tour guide to reflect that the time series is not random data.
* Fixes bold type and extra line breaks of remote data manager example
in `remote_data_manager.py`.
+ Trivial/Internal Changes
* Allow running our sphinx-gallery examples as Jupyter notebooks via Binder
* Improve error messages and type checking in
* Copy the library `distro` into `sunpy/extern`: replaces the deprecated `platform/linux_distribution`
* The version of Matplotlib used to generate figure tests has been bumped from
3.0.3 to 3.1.1.
* Corrected spelling of 'plotting' in timeseries method (changed 'ploting' to 'plotting').
* Switched to "importlib_metadata" to get package version to speed up import of SunPy.
* Fix tests for `sunpy.data.data_manager` and ensure they are correctly executed with pytest.
- Add fix_importlib_py_ver.patch
Fixes a dependency that is not required for later python versions.
See https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/3683

Request History
Todd R's avatar

TheBlackCat created request

- Update to version 1.1.0
+ Backwards Incompatible Changes
* The `sunpy.net.vso.vso.get_online_vso_url` function has been broken into two components, the new `sunpy.net.vso.vso.get_online_vso_url` function takes no arguments (it used to take three) and now only returns an online VSO mirror or None.
The construction of a `zeep.Client` object is now handled by `sunpy.net.vso.vso.build_client` which has a more flexible API for customising the `zeep.Client` interface.
* Importing `sunpy.timeseries.timeseriesbase` no longer automatically imports
* `NOAAIndicesTimeSeries.peek` now checks that the `type` argument is a
valid string, and raises a `ValueError` if it isn't.
* Observer-based coordinate frames (`~sunpy.coordinates.frames.Heliocentric` and `~sunpy.coordinates.frames.Helioprojective`) no longer assume a default observer (Earth) if no observer is specified. These frames can now be used with no observer specified, but most transformations cannot be performed for such frames. This removal of a default observer only affects `sunpy.coordinates`, and has no impact on the default observer in `sunpy.map`.
* The callback functions provided to
`~sunpy.visualization.animator.BaseFuncAnimator` ``button_func`` keyword
argument now take two positional arguments rather than one. The function
signature is now ``(animator, event)`` where the first arg is the animator
object, and the second is the matplotlib mouse event.
* The colormap stored in SunPy's Map subclasses (ie. ``map.plot_settings['cmap']``)
can now be colormap string instead of the full `matplotlib.colormap.Colormap`
object. To get the full `Colormap` object use the new attribute
* Fix a warning in `sunpy.map.GenericMap.rotate` where the truth value of an array
was being calculated. This changes the behaviour of
`~sunpy.map.GenericMap.rotate` when the ``angle=`` parameter is not an
`~astropy.units.Quantity` object to raise `TypeError` rather than `ValueError`.
+ Deprecations and Removals
* Removed the step of reparing images (replacing non-finite entries with local mean) before coaligning them. The user is expected to do this themselves before coaligning images. If NaNs/non-finite entries are present, a warning is thrown.
The function `sunpy.image.coalignment.repair_image_nonfinite` is deprecated.
* The method to convert a `~sunpy.coordinates.frames.Helioprojective` frame from 2D to 3D has been renamed from `~sunpy.coordinates.frames.Helioprojective.calculate_distance` to `~sunpy.coordinates.frames.Helioprojective.make_3d`. This method is not typically directly called by users.
* `sunpy.visualization.animator.ImageAnimatorWCS` is now deprecated in favour of
* ``sunpy.cm`` has been moved to `sunpy.visualization.colormaps` and will be
removed in a future version.
+ Features
* Add a new `sunpy.data.manager` and `sunpy.data.cache` for dealing with versioned remote data within functions.
Please see the `Remote Data Manager `__ guide.
* Added the coordinate frames `~sunpy.coordinates.frames.HeliocentricEarthEcliptic` (HEE), `~sunpy.coordinates.frames.GeocentricSolarEcliptic` (GSE), `~sunpy.coordinates.frames.HeliocentricInertial` (HCI), and `~sunpy.coordinates.frames.GeocentricEarthEquatorial` (GEI).
* Added SunPy Map support for GOES SUVI images.
* - Support APE14 for ``ImageAnimatorWCS`` in SunPy's visualization module
* Add ability to disable progressbars when dowloading files using `sunpy.net.helioviewer.py` and edited docstrings to mention this feature.
* Adds support for searching and downloading SUVI data.
* Log all VSO XML requests and responses to the SunPy logger at the ``DEBUG``
* Transformations between frames in `sunpy.coordinates` can now provide detailed debugging output. Set the `logging` level to ``DEBUG`` to enable this output.
* Added the `sunpy.coordinates.sun.carrington_rotation_time` function to
compute the time of a given Carrington rotation number.
* A new method has been added to remove columns from a
* Add `shape` property to TimeSeries.
* Added ASDF schemas for the new coordinate frames (`~sunpy.coordinates.frames.GeocentricEarthEquatorial`, `~sunpy.coordinates.frames.GeocentricSolarEcliptic`, `~sunpy.coordinates.frames.HeliocentricEarthEcliptic`, `~sunpy.coordinates.frames.HeliocentricInertial`). See the gallery for an example of using `asdf` to save and load a coordinate frame.
* `sunpy.visualization.animator.ArrayAnimatorWCS` was added which uses the WCS
object to get the coordinates of all axes, including the slider labels. It also provides the
ability to customise the plot by specifying arguments to
`~astropy.visualization.wcsaxes.WCSAxes` methods and supports animation of
WCS aware line plots with Astroy 4.0.
* The returned list of `~sunpy.map.Map` objects is now sorted by filename when
passing a directory or glob pattern to `~sunpy.map.MapFactory`.
* Single character wildcards and character ranges can now be passed as
glob patterns to `~sunpy.map.Map`.
* `~sunpy.map.Map` now accepts filenames and directories as `pathlib.Path`
* `~sunpy.map.GenericMap` objects now have a ``.cmap`` attribute, which returns the full `~matplotlib.colormap.Colormap`.
* `sunpy.io.write_file()` now accepts `~pathlib.Path` objects as filename inputs.
* `sunpy.map.make_fitswcs_header` now accepts a `tuple` representing the shape of an array as well as the actual array as the ``data`` argument.
* Made a couple of module imports lazy to reduce the import time of sunpy.map by
* `sunpy.map.GenericMap.wcs` now uses the full FITS header to construct the WCS.
This adds support for instruments with more complex projections, such as WISPR,
however does mean that Map will be more sensitive to incorrect or invalid FITS
headers. If you are using custom headers with SunPy Map you might encounter
issues relating to this change.
* `sunpy.visualization.animator.BaseFuncAnimator` now takes an optional
``slider_labels`` keyword argument which draws text labels in the center of the
* Added a more helpful error message when trying to load a file or directory
that doesn't exist with `Map`.
* Add ``__repr__`` for `~sunpy.map.MapSequence` objects so that users can view the
critical information of all the ``Map`` objects, in a concise manner.
+ Bug Fixes
* Fixed accuracy issues with the calculations of Carrington longitude (`~sunpy.coordinates.sun.L0`) and Carrington rotation number (`~sunpy.coordinates.sun.carrington_rotation_number`).
* Updated `sunpy.map.header_helper.make_fitswcs_header` to be more strict on the inputs it accepts.
* Fix the calculation of ``rsun_ref`` in `~sunpy.map.make_fitswcs_header` and and
ensure that the default reference pixel is indexed from 1.
* Fixed the missing transformation between two `~sunpy.coordinates.HeliographicCarrington` frames with different observation times.
* `sunpy.map.sources.AIAMap` and `sunpy.map.sources.HMIMap` will no longer assume
the existance of certain header keys.
* `sunpy.map.make_fitswcs_header` now supports specifying the map projection
rather than defaulting to ``TAN``.
* Fix the behaviour of
`sunpy.coordinates.frames.Helioprojective.calculate_distance` if the
representation isn't Spherical.
* Fixed a bug where the longitude of a coordinate would not wrap at the expected angle following a frame transformation.
* Fixed a bug where passing a time or time interval to the differential rotation function threw an error because the new observer was not in HGS.
* Fixed bug where `~sunpy.coordinates.ephemeris.get_horizons_coord` was unable to accept `~astropy.time.Time` arrays as input.
* Fix the ticks on the default heliographic grid overlay so they are not white
(and normally invisible) by default.
* Fixed a bug with `sunpy.net.hek.HEKClient` when the results returned were a mixed dataset.
* Fix `sunpy.physics.differential_rotation.differential_rotate` to rotate in the
correct direction and to account for the rotation of the heliographic
coordinate frame with time.
* Fixed a bug with the handling of changing observation times for transformations between `~astropy.coordinates.HCRS` and `~sunpy.coordinates.frames.HeliographicStonyhurst`, which also indirectly affected other transformations when changing observation times.
* Fixed all coordinate transformations to properly handle a change in observation time.
* Fixed the handling of coordinates with velocity information when transforming between Astropy frames and SunPy frames.
* Fixed `~sunpy.physics.solar_rotation.calculate_solar_rotate_shift` so that it does not calculate a shift between the reference layer and itself, which would sometimes incorrectly result in a shift of a pixel due to numerical precision.
* Stop crash when ``LineAnimator`` ``axes_ranges`` entry given as ``1D`` array when data is ``>1D``, i.e. as an independent axis.
* Fixed a `sunpy.coordinates` bug where a frame using the default observer of Earth could have its observer overwritten during a transformation.
* Fixed a bug where the transformation from `~sunpy.coordinates.frames.Helioprojective` to `~sunpy.coordinates.frames.Heliocentric` used the Sun-observer distance from the wrong frame when shifting the origin, and thus might not give the correct answer if the observer was not the same for the two frames.
* Fixed a bug with the transformations between `~sunpy.coordinates.frames.Heliocentric` and `~sunpy.coordinates.frames.HeliographicStonyhurst` when the frame observation time was not the same as the observer observation time. The most common way to encounter this bug was when transforming from `~sunpy.coordinates.frames.Helioprojective` to any non-observer-based frame while also changing the observation time.
* VSO client `fetch` should not download when `wait` keyword argument is specified.
* Fixed a bug with `~sunpy.coordinates.wcs_utils.solar_frame_to_wcs_mapping` that assumed that the supplied frame was a SunPy frame.
* Fixed bugs with `~sunpy.coordinates.wcs_utils.solar_frame_to_wcs_mapping` if the input frame does not include an observation time or an observer.
* `~sunpy.coordinates.utils.GreatArc` now accounts for the start and end points of the arc having different observers.
* Fixed situations where 2D coordinates provided to `~sunpy.coordinates.frames.HeliographicStonyhurst` and `~sunpy.coordinates.frames.HeliographicCarrington` were not converted to 3D as intended. Furthermore, the stored data will always be the post-conversion, 3D version.
* Fix off by one error in `sunpy.map.make_fitswcs_header` where when using the
default ``reference_pixel=None`` keyword argument the pixel coordinate of the
reference pixel was off by +1.
* Updated both GOES XRS and LYRA dataretriever clients to use `~sunpy.util.scraper.Scraper`, to make sure that files are actually on the servers being queried.
* Fixing the ordering of lon and lat inputs into make_fitswcs_header
* Updated the URL for Fermi spacecraft-pointing files to use an HTTPS connection to HEASARC.
* Fixed a bug where permission denied errors when downloading files are very verbose by adding an error message in `~sunpy.net.fido_factory.UnifiedDownloaderFactory.fetch`.
* Fixed a malformed call to `astropy.time.Time` in a test, which resulted in an incorrect time scale (UTC instead of TT).
* Fix incorrect files being included in the tarball, and docs missing from the
* Fixed a bug where clipping behavior had been enabled by default in the plotting normalizers for ``Map`` objects. Clipping needs to be disabled to make use of the over/under/masked colors in the colormap.
* Fix a bug with observer based frames that prevented a coordinate with an array of obstimes being transformed to other frames.
* `sunpy.map.GenericMap` will no longer raise a warning if the posisition of the
observer is not known for frames that don't need an observer, i.e. heliographic
* Apply `os.path.expanduser` to `sunpy.map.MapFactory` input
before passing to `glob.glob`
* Fix multiple instances of `sunpy.map.sources` assuming the type of FITS Header
* Fixed a bug with `~sunpy.coordinates.NorthOffsetFrame` where non-spherical representations for the north pole produced an error.
* Fixed ``map.__repr__`` when the coordinate system information contained in the
``CUNIT1/2`` metadata is not set to a known value.
* Fixed bugs with some coordinate transformations when ``obstime`` is ``None`` on the destination frame but can be assumed to be the same as the ``obstime`` of the source frame.
* Updated `sunpy.map.mapsequence.MapSequence` so that calling ``_derotate()`` raises ``NotImplementedError``.
Added associated tests.
* Fixed pandas plotting registration in `sunpy.timeseries`.
* Correctly catch and emit a warning when converting a map metadata to a FITS
header and it contains a keyword with non-ascii characters.
+ Improved Documentation
* Clean up the docstring for `sunpy.physics.differential_rotation.solar_rotate_coordinate` to make the example clearer.
* Added new gallery examples and cleaned up various gallery examples.
* Cleaned and expanded upon the docstrings for each Fido Client.
* Added clarifying hyperlinks to the gallery example `getting_lasco_observer_location` to link to `astroquery` docs page.
* Added more details to docstrings in `sunpy.coordinates.frames`.
* Added a link to package maintainer list in the API Stability page.
* Improved the contributing guide by updating commands and highlighting text.
* Removing `.fits` from the end of path kwargs in `sunpy.net.FIDO.fetch` docs to change output file extension from `{file}.fits.fits` to `{file}.fits`.
* A new example gallery section "Using SunPy with Other Packages" has been added,
which contains a set of new examples using the `reproject
`__ with solar data.
* Added a table of supported coordinate systems and other miscellaneous improvements to the :ref:`coordinates documentation `.
* Clarified the meaning of :attr:`GenericMap.dsun`.
* Fixed the plots with multiple subplots in the ``Map`` user guide to properly use `~astropy.visualization.wcsaxes` and to be appropriately sized.
* Fixed various issues with the gallery example of saving/loading coordinates using `asdf`.
* Added ``sunpy.__citation__`` with a BibTex entry for citing sunpy.
* Added an example showing how to display two maps and fade between them.
* Clarified the meaning of some `GenericMap` observer properties.
* Added inherited members of `sunpy.map` classes to the docs.
* Fixed documentation of `sunpy.database.Database.search` by adding ``Returns`` docstring.
* Updated the docstring for the parameter ``sortby`` in `~sunpy.map.MapSequence` with the default value, valid value and how to disable sorting.
* Updated the tour guide to reflect that the time series is not random data.
* Fixes bold type and extra line breaks of remote data manager example
in `remote_data_manager.py`.
+ Trivial/Internal Changes
* Allow running our sphinx-gallery examples as Jupyter notebooks via Binder
* Improve error messages and type checking in
* Copy the library `distro` into `sunpy/extern`: replaces the deprecated `platform/linux_distribution`
* The version of Matplotlib used to generate figure tests has been bumped from
3.0.3 to 3.1.1.
* Corrected spelling of 'plotting' in timeseries method (changed 'ploting' to 'plotting').
* Switched to "importlib_metadata" to get package version to speed up import of SunPy.
* Fix tests for `sunpy.data.data_manager` and ensure they are correctly executed with pytest.
- Add fix_importlib_py_ver.patch
Fixes a dependency that is not required for later python versions.
See https://github.com/sunpy/sunpy/pull/3683

Todd R's avatar

TheBlackCat accepted request

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